system mtu routing 1500 Is there a replacement command for this?
MLS QOS commands not accepted. Has the ME3800 been designed so these buffers don't need to be adjusted?
in the policy map:
class class-default
random-detect dscp-based not accepted. Is there a work around?
random-detect exponential-weighting-constant 9 not accepted. Is there a work around?
On the Gigabit ports:
SSR-QUEUE command is not accepted. Again, not a problem due to the design?
priority queue not accepted. Same reason?
On the Tengig interface:
tx-ring-limit 2 still needed? If so, what is the recommended value?
tx-queue-limit 2 still needed? If so, what is the recommended value?
mls qos trust dscp Isn't accepted. How do I trust DSCP?