Hi all
I have q in q tunneling setup on my core 3750 switch which connects to a dmz switch to tunnel the traffic over the wan.
At the moment the tunnel port on my core which connects to the dmz switch is as follows
description **TO DMZ SWITCH**
switchport access vlan 4050
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 13,1351,1355,1361-1363,1365,4000
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switchport nonegotiate
l2protocol-tunnel cdp
l2protocol-tunnel stp
l2protocol-tunnel vtp
l2protocol-tunnel point-to-point udld
no cdp enable
However I am swapping the switch for a cat 6509, and it seems all the l2protocol-tunnel commands wont work on the 6509, the only command it allows me to do is the "switchport mode dot1q-tunnel"
Will this still work ok?
also, the vlans on my DMZ switch are 13,1351,1355,1361-1363,1365,4000
Am I right in saying that these vlans do not need to configured on the interface above, and only the access vlan 4050 needs to be configured ? on the core, but on the actual DMZ switch, do I make the port a trunk still and allow all the vlans ?