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eigrp routing questions


Hi all

If I have 2 routers on my lan running hsrp. then each router has a wan link to the same destination. is there any way of load balancing the traffic on the wan? my guess is the only way would be to use GLBP?

also how would the routes look to one an other between the routers, as tehy should see each others routes to the wan advertised internally?, would one of them be the feasible sucessor to the other or would they both be feasible successors to one another? please help.

2 Replies 2

Giuseppe Larosa
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hello Carl,

yes GLBP provides outbound load balancing

EIGRP can provide inbound load-balacing if all parameters (BW and delay) are the same.

To be noted that in this case each router install the routes coming from the wan link.

About considering the other one a feasible successor this doesn't happen because the feasibilty condition is not satisfied:

RB's advertised EIGRP metric as seen from RA for a remote route is equal not less of the current best metric to the same remote route and the requirement is strictly less then

you can track the state of wan links so that only one router will foward traffic (be the AVF ) for all clients

Hope to help


Level 4
Level 4


If you want to use EIGRP to load balance, it really does depend on your setup, but you could inject default route or a specific for the networks you want into your EIGRP domain with equal costs and the routers downstream from them would load balance towards them. more than one route downstream, then you may need to configure unequal load balancing using the variance command :-

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