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Help me to understand this mysterious question !!!!!!!!!!

Amr Ali
Level 1
Level 1

hello dears,

i am looking for a help as i am a little junior


Q - The network administrator is asked to configure 113 point-to-point  links. Which IP addressing scheme best defines the address range and  subnet mask that meet the requirement and waste the fewest subnet and  host addresses?

A. subnetted with mask
B. subnetted with mask
C. subnetted with mask
D. subnetted with mask
E. subnetted with mask

I know answer is D as we need 113 subnet , hereby we need 7 bits to do it so 30-7 = 23 but i can't understand this answer , my point is we need only 7 bits why we chose /23 in addition i can't get what is the meaning of /23 subnetted with /30

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Joseph W. Doherty
Hall of Fame
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The  Author of this posting offers the information contained within this  posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that  there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose.  Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not  be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this  posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.

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In  no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,  without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out  of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author  has been advised of the possibility of such damage.


A /30 consumes 4 IP addresses.  So, if we need 113, we're going to need 452 IP addresses.

So looking at the different sized address blocks offered . . .

The /25 and /24 are too small at 128 and 256 IP addresses each.

The /23, at 512 IP addresses, can provide the needed amount of IP addresses.

The /18 and /16, can also provide the needed IP addresses, but as they provide many more, for example 32K for the /16, they are larger than needed.

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Bilal Nawaz
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

This means, you have a /23 but you calve it up in to /30's.

E.g. /23. Out of this /23 how many /30's can I make

Network 1:
Network 2:
Network 3:
And so on...

But all these networks have to fit within the scope

So should include the range -

So the question is asking which one can you calve up most efficiently without any wastage. With other subnets you will have IPs left over, therefore get wasted.

Hope this helps

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i can't get if he meant 113 subnets or hosts , as if he meant subnets i think any number higher than /7 will be true

First understand what a Point-to-Point link is (just google and c images for a better understanding)

In a Single Point-to-Point link there’re 2 Points (as the name implies), one point  each sides 
And those Points can be considered as Hosts.
So in a Single Point-to-Point link there are 2 Hosts.
So for a single point-to-point link we must assign 2 valid IPs from a same subnet.
So to have 2 valid IPs the chosen subnet should have at least 4 IPs (2+2=4) (Remember we have to reserve 1 IP for the network ID and 1 IP for Broadcast ID)
I think up to this u have understood what I’m telling
So to have 1 Point-to-Point link we should have
1 Subnet and
4 IPs 
So to have 113 Point-to-Point links we should have (at least)
1 x 113 = 113 Subnets
4 x 113 = 452 IPs (Hosts, u may call in subletting world)
So to have 452 IPs we should use a subnet of /27 
Because /23 has 9 host bits so it can offer 512 (2^9) IPs and 510 (512-2) valid IPs we can have our required 452 IPs wasting a minimum of IPs
/24 subnet can only have 254 ((2^8)-2) valid IPs so not sufficient for our requirement of 452 IPs
and anything less than /23 like /22 /21 /20 /18 can be used for accommodate 452 IPs but we would have to waste more IPs 
Another way to approach (not adviced to use)
And the networks with subnet mask /31 (borrowed 7 hosts bits from class c network) , /23 (borrowed 7 hosts bits from class b network) and /15 (borrowed 7 hosts bits from class a network), we can have 113 subnetworks 
So by looking at the answers there's only one subnetwork that maches thoes cidr notation which is /23

Your subnetting sequence is incorrect.

I know this is old but just in case it causes confusion to other readers.

The correct subnetting is :

Network 1:
Network 2:
Network 3:

Network 4: and so on

cadet alain
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


you need 113 /30 networks, these are /30 because point-to-point.

So you need  113 subnets so what power of 2 is greater than or equal to 113: this is 7 because 2 to the power 7= 128

So 30-7= 23 which is the initial subnet you're going to split in 113 point-to-point networks.



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i know your answer but i can't get why , as i understand that /30 will offer 2^30 subnets , so why we need to decrease it by 7

Joseph W. Doherty
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


The  Author of this posting offers the information contained within this  posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that  there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose.  Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not  be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this  posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.

Liability Disclaimer

In  no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,  without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out  of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author  has been advised of the possibility of such damage.


A /30 consumes 4 IP addresses.  So, if we need 113, we're going to need 452 IP addresses.

So looking at the different sized address blocks offered . . .

The /25 and /24 are too small at 128 and 256 IP addresses each.

The /23, at 512 IP addresses, can provide the needed amount of IP addresses.

The /18 and /16, can also provide the needed IP addresses, but as they provide many more, for example 32K for the /16, they are larger than needed.

thanks very much Mr. JosephDoherty  now i got it , really i appreciate your effort

Level 3
Level 3

Hi Amr,

The question asks for 113 point-to-point links. You can interpret this as requiring 113 /30 subnets.

A /30 network uses 4 IP addresses;
1 x network address
1x broadcast address
2 x usable IP addresses

The total number of IP address required for 113 /30 subnets is 113 x 4 = 452

How many bits are needed to represent a value of 452?

7 bits = 128
8 bits = 256
9 bits = 512

You need took subtract the 9 bits from the mask.

32 - 9 = 23

This gives you a network of


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HTH Paul ****Please rate useful posts****

thanks very much Mr. paulstone80  now i got it , really i appreciate your effort

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