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How can i create User with admin privilege with telnet?

Level 1
Level 1
Hello all, Can any body tell me that how can i create a user with admin privilege with a telnet connection?
scenario,,I am connected my office wifi, and when i audit my wifi connection it shows me that anybody able to login in in my network with telnet, now i want to create a admin privilege account through which i can connect my device and configure from any place in my office, i don't need to go to my cabin and and set all things through my pc, i have also attached a snapshot of the of the telnet session. I have tried some basic commands like, Conf t configure terminal show running-config but no any configuration done, kindly help me as soon as possible to secure my network. Tell me with detailed. If we cannot create a user with telnet then tell me that how can i configure a ssh user with telnet?
2 Replies 2

Pawan Raut
Level 4
Level 4

set user on your switch

config t

username admin privilege 15 password <password>
enable secret <password>


line vty 0 15
login local

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


If you want SSH you must use a K9 image you need to upgrade your current IOS version , do not use telnet at all its not secure in anyway , your current IOS does not support ssh

Once you enable SSH, you can access it remotely using PuTTY or any other SSH client.
  1. Setup Management IP. First, make sure you have performed basic network configurations on your switch. ...
  2. Set hostname and domain-name. ...
  3. Generate the RSA Keys. ...
  4. Setup the Line VTY configurations. ...
  5. Create the username password. ...
  6. Verify SSH access.


ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
ip ssh source-interface ......
ip ssh version 2

crypto key generate rsa (hit return)

type 1024 and hot return to generate the keys

line vty 0 4

transport input ssh

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