I have problems with upgrade of a 3750x-24s-s. I had installed ios c3750e-ipbase9-mz.150-1.SE3.bin. Now i buyed software license L-C3750X-LIC= for IP Services functionality. So i need to install an other ios like c3750e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE2.bin. Now i retrieved the right tar and bin file (files are not corrupted i used this for upgrade other switchs) but the switch wont to upgrade.
First i tried with cisco network assistant with the result, that after
the reload the status led on the front disappeared. I wait for 75min without any output on console. The last entry was on loading Flash @@@@@@@
I copied the ipbase ios again and the switch started normaly with this ios. I tried to copy the bin file but its ever the same result( stst led is now shining) but the switch stucks by loading the flash image. I wait for several hours.
Can someone help me?
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