IOS-XE platform question (Catalyst IE-9300 for the purposes of this discussion)
I'd like to use the same Configuration template for both a CLI or Import/Recover mode from the web-GUI.
My configuration templates use Macros (automatically generated), and then call a very small configuration file that calls/references those macros (Global and Interface). However, when I Import a configuration file like the one below, it silently fails to apply.
1) Is there maybe a "debug parser ..." for configurations obtained via the web interface? (Like "show parser macro.." family of cmds?)
2) Has anyone tried this / done this before? I will open a TAC Case if not.
Example CFG to import:
macro name TestGlobalMacro
no cdp run
no lldp run
macro global apply TestGlobalMacro
After importing:

...but sure enough, CDP/LLDP still enabled. And the that macro does not appear in the output of "show parser macro brief"