Hi Everyone. We are facing an issue regarding slow speeds on Apple devices (Macbook Iphone and Ipad).
We currently have 500 Mbps internet link. We are using Cisco 3850 switch and Aruba 7240 controller with Aruba AP 555. There is no issue for Android mobiles and Windows laptops . We get more than 470 speed on android mobiles and 495 on windows laptop with wired connection and around 430 on windows laptop with wifi (866 link speed).
But we noticed low speed on all Apple devices that we could test. It looked liked Aruba issue because when we connect internet directly to Macbook we could get full speed. But then i configured a separate Vlan for internet and Macbook on the switch so we could bypass Aruba and test directly through the switch, we got low speed again. I tested different 3850, 2960 and 3650 also but the issue persisted.
Now just for further troubleshooting I connected the Internet and Macbook to a different switch 9500 and we got full speed.
I shall be very thankful if anyone can guide in solving this issue. Thanks.