Hi All, keep seeing the below on our edge switch.
2147182840 2021-Aug-25 11:46:18 Warning %NT_GREEN-W-EeeLldpMultiNeighbours: Multiple LLDP neighbours on port gi3/0/26 - EEE operational state is FALSE
2147182841 2021-Aug-25 11:46:18 Warning %NT_GREEN-W-EeeLldpSingleNeighbour: Single LLDP neighbour on port gi3/0/26 - EEE operational state can be TRUE
Luckily I've tracked it down to my work bench where I have an 8 port hub / switch plugged into the access port.
I've read that I can set the port to be a trunk port but if I do that then Iose connectivity with the PC's connected to the hub / switch since I can't make the other end a trunk port (as far as I can tell).
Should I simply ignore it ?
thanks in advance.