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new access switches - 9200(L) vs 9300(L)

Level 1
Level 1

Hey all,

I need to buy new access switches and I noticed some things:

1) Why do C9200-48P and C9200L-48P-4X have a 1000 watts power supply, whereas C9300-48P and C9300L-48P-X have a 715 watts power supply? I mean, all switches are POE switches with 48 ports. But why is there are difference between 9200 series and 9300 series? Are the 9300 more efficient?

2) When I take a look at the power supplies, their naming is PWR-C5-1KWAC  for the 9200 and PWR-C1-715WAC-P for the 9300. What exactly do "C5/C1" and "-P" stand for?

3) I noticed that there isn't a C9300-NM-4X for the 9300, there is only a C9300-NM-8X. Is that correct?

4) I want to stack two 48Port switches together and I thought it would be great to have stack power.  Furthermore I want to put two power supplies in each switch. But stack power is only supported by 9300 without L. So I need the C9300-48P + C9300-NM-8X + PWR-C1-715WAC. That would be a huge amount of money.

So I thought I can go without power stack.

Then I thought cheapest combination would be a C9200L-48P-4X + PWR-C5-1KWAC. But the list price of a PWR-C5-1KWAC  is 3000$. Whereas the PWR-C1-715WAC-P  for the 9300L is 1250$. So finally the cheapest combination would be a C9300L-48P-4X + PWR-C1-715WAC-P.


What do you think I should do?


Thank you!


6 Replies 6

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

1) Why do C9200-48P and C9200L-48P-4X have a 1000 watts power supply, whereas C9300-48P and C9300L-48P-X have a 715 watts power supply? I mean, all switches are POE switches with 48 ports. But why is there are difference between 9200 series and 9300 series? Are the 9300 more efficient?

depends on the POE , whether POE or UPOE , POE+ all need certain watts , also you can get same power watt supplies on each model usually , up to 1100 depends on fixed 9ks

2 Not sure

3) I noticed that there isn't a C9300-NM-4X for the 9300, there is only a C9300-NM-8X. Is that correct?
Thats correct minimum 8x10GB for an uplink module if you chose it

i think you should go through a supplier and not pay full list price if the company you work with has no Cisco setup , that way you will get a discount off it at some level , even the online suppliers give decent discounts , no one pays list price its very expensive

also what are using these for , if its basic user access an pcs/printers the 9200s are fine , were using them as out of band mgmt switches and in some small offices they work fine , using the 9300s as user switches stacked too but we have engineering teams connected to them so the traffic rate can be higher at user end

You could getaway without stacking power , just get dual power supplies and if you dont require POE you dont need high end power supplies and some stacking cables for HA , when fully stacked though 93s are 3 times as power as stacked 92s 160GBPs to 480GBPs, 92s are just the entry level switch

Theres also the new multi gig range out aswell for both 92s and 93s , if cost is an issue could also look at the SMB 550X switches , may suit a lower budget but still get good features and speeds

Hi Mark,

on almost every switchport there is a cisco phone connected. Furthermore, we are using the integrated cisco phone switch to connect workstations.

So let us assume there is a 9300 48 Port POE Switch where 48 IP Phones are connected to. A phone approx. needs 15 watts.

15 watts x 48 = 720 watts.

When I get a C9300-48P with two 715 watts power supplies, there would be enough power for all 48 phones.

But what happens if one supply fails?

There is only one 715 watts supply left that provides 437 watts net.

What exactly happens then to the switch and the phones? One supply provides 437 watts but 48 phones need 720 watts.

And what happens to the integrated switch of the phones if the phones aren't powered on? If the integrated switch doesn't work, the workstations don't have a network connection. That would be worst case scenario.

Use the power calculator below to make sure you have enough POE , you put in the switch and the specific phones use then it totals what you need

end of day if not enough power on 1 supply phones will shut down


got that.

But regarding the stacking stability and quality: Do you think there is a difference between 9200L and 9300L?

its unified software so you could end up with same issues on both models in terms of bugs always read the software release notes that your running to see what bugs your open to could be stack bugs but on 9300s you can download Everest ios-xe too which is not available on a 9200 series switch , 9300s have much more overall stack bw , 480gb compared to 160gb on 9200s , 9200s are entry level switches

check the data sheets it shows the diffs in hardware and capabilities

But there is IOS XE Software Gibraltar-16.12.1, isn't it?
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