I want to power off a Catalyst 9300 switch with "power supply 1 slot A off", and I have the following strange behavior.
- A single 9300 switch with one power supply: "power supply 1 slot A off".
The switch turns off the power supply, but then immediately turns it back on, switch is reloading.
Why does it not remain powered off?
- Stack with 2 switches, each switch with one PS, and stack power:
Unplugged PS from Switch2 and powered-off PS from Switch1 via command line.
Switch1 reloads, switch2 stays powered-off, no stack-power?
Why is switch2 not coming up with stack-power?
- But if you switch off a power supply via command line in a stack with 2 switches and each one has an available PS, it remains disabled.
switch#sh environment power switch 2
SW PID Serial# Status Sys Pwr PoE Pwr Watts
-- ------------------ ---------- --------------- ------- ------- -----
2A PWR-C1-1100WAC-P DCC2630DFV6 Disabled Bad Bad 1100
It looks like you can't turn off the last power supply?
Does anyone have an explanation on this?
Thanks a lot