My Router is not making the acting as a Proxy for the ARP requests for the NATted IP's on the NAT oustide intterface. Here's the interface config :
ISR#sh run int fa0/0.101 Building configuration... Current configuration : 169 bytes ! interface FastEthernet0/0.101 encapsulation dot1Q 101 ip vrf forwarding Hydrol ip address ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly end
Interface FastEthernet0/0 is connected to another router which is the gateway for Vlan101 and has the IP:
ISR#sh run int vlan444 Building configuration... Current configuration : 156 bytes ! interface Vlan444 ip vrf receive Hydrol ip address ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly ip policy route-map VRF_TO_GLOBAL end
Router is doing following NAT:
ip nat inside source static
Routing is setup fine, and should be able to ping ICMP Packet reaches till the gateway - but when the gateway tries to ARP for , the NAT router does not respond to the ARP request. I've tried manually entering ip-proxy arp on the interface, but it has not effect because it is a default command.
When i manually enter a static ARP entry for on the gateway device - pointing to the NAT outside interface MAC address- everything works as expected.
I've tried multiple router series (3945,4500,IR) to do the NAT function with the similar config/setup - and i saw this issue on all series So i'm sure it's a config issue - not the device issue.
Is there something more to be done when the NAT outside interface is in a VRF - to make the proxy-arp work
Please help !