I have VPLS link connecting three locations.
Location A - vlan 100 for data
Location B - Vlan 100 for data, vlan 200 for internet (both going through same link/same service provider)
Location C - vlan 100 for data
For location B I have to carry both Vlans, as they come from one cable. Service provider wants data to be sent on appropriate vlans. For all three locations to communicate with each other, Vlan 100 is required, as I Location B has 2 vlans I have to use trunking so I have to use truning on other two ends (A,C) also.
Right now I could establish connection to internet and data by trunking, Though the data vlan is working I get very poor thoughput on the link -
Location B
B#sh run int gi0/1
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 149 bytes
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200
switchport mode trunk
duplex full
C can communicate B.
Location C
C#sh run int g0/1
Building configuration...
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 100
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100
switchport mode trunk
Location A is as access mode, no trunking, communication is working, I can reach B and C but I get more than 50% packet drops. If I do trunking on end A, then A stops working at all.
Any idea how to make this work?