11-28-2020 03:37 AM
Hello ,
we have two sites to be interconnected between three nexus 3k switches , we have one Nexus in one site and two fibers start from it to another site to two different nexus 3k (in VPC ). I'm experienging flapping issue when i connect the first nexus in port channel to the two nexus,
i'm thinkig to put in vpc the nexus in the first site , this can fix my lopp issues?
thanks in advance
11-28-2020 04:23 AM
hard to say what you are missing. Are both ports on the two switches of the second site that connect to the first site VPC member ports ?
Post the configs of all three devices.
11-30-2020 01:38 AM
Hello Gerorg,
here in enclose the configs of the three switches nexus with diagram updated , when i did put port 48 on in the nexus 2 B site flap error starts.
Thanks in dvance
config A site
version 7.0(3)I4(7)
hostname swA
vdc SWA id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource vrf minimum 2 maximum 4096
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 104
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 128 maximum 128
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 96 maximum 96
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
feature telnet
cfs eth distribute
feature pim
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
4 role network-admin
ip domain-lookup
service unsupported-transceiver
ip access-list blockMX1
10 deny udp any eq 2000
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
10 permit eigrp any ff02::a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
10 permit udp any any eq ntp
20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
30 permit udp any eq rip
40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
70 permit ospf any any
80 permit ospf any
90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
10 permit udp any eq 1985
20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
10 permit udp any any eq snmp
20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
10 permit tcp any any eq 22
20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
10 permit udp any any eq tftp
20 permit udp any any eq 1758
30 permit udp any eq tftp any
40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
50 permit tcp any any eq 115
60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
30 permit udp any any eq 1812
40 permit udp any any eq 1813
50 permit udp any any eq 1645
60 permit udp any any eq 1646
70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit tcp any any eq 107
30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
10 permit udp any ff02::66/128 eq 2029
20 permit udp any ff02::fb/128 eq 5353
30 permit 112 any ff02::12/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
10 permit 89 any ff02::5/128
20 permit 89 any ff02::6/128
30 permit udp any ff02::9/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy
class copp-s-default
police pps 400
class copp-s-l2switched
police pps 200
class copp-s-ping
police pps 100
class copp-s-l3destmiss
police pps 100
class copp-s-glean
police pps 500
class copp-s-selfIp
police pps 500
class copp-s-l3mtufail
police pps 100
class copp-s-ttl1
police pps 100
class copp-s-ipmcmiss
police pps 400
class copp-s-l3slowpath
police pps 100
class copp-s-dhcpreq
police pps 300
class copp-s-dhcpresp
police pps 300
class copp-s-dai
police pps 300
class copp-s-igmp
police pps 400
class copp-s-routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-v6routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-eigrp
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimreg
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimautorp
police pps 200
class copp-s-routingProto1
police pps 1000
class copp-s-arp
police pps 200
class copp-s-ptp
police pps 1000
class copp-s-vxlan
police pps 1000
class copp-s-bfd
police pps 350
class copp-s-bpdu
police pps 12000
class copp-s-dpss
police pps 1000
class copp-s-mpls
police pps 100
class copp-icmp
police pps 200
class copp-telnet
police pps 500
class copp-ssh
police pps 500
class copp-snmp
police pps 500
class copp-ntp
police pps 100
class copp-tacacsradius
police pps 400
class copp-stftp
police pps 400
service-policy input copp-system-policy
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0x898eedb7ffc5f3907593cc2cc5249989
priv 0x898eedb7ffc5f3907593cc2cc5249989 localizedkey
rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
snmp-server community NTn0cP0P group network-operator
no ip pim auto-enable
no ip igmp snooping report-suppression
vlan 1
vlan 20
name iDirect_traffic
vlan 50
name DMZ1
vlan 51
name DMZ2
vlan 55
name DMZ3
vlan 61
name test_usingen
vlan 81
name GEM
vlan 90
name mgmt
vlan 100
name cogent-test
vlan 200
name Multicast
vlan 250
name MC-Turnaround
vlan 300
name MulticastGEM
vlan 301
name Gemout
vlan 320
name MX1
spanning-tree vlan 200,250,301 priority 40960
vrf context management
no system urpf disable
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 64x10G
interface port-channel10
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
no negotiate auto
interface Ethernet1/1
interface Ethernet1/2
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
no negotiate auto
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet1/4
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
no negotiate auto
interface mgmt0
vrf member management
line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I4.7.bin
sw1 B site
version 7.0(3)I7(3)
switchname SW1.siteB
vdc SW1.siteB id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource vrf minimum 2 maximum 4096
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 104
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 128 maximum 128
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 96 maximum 96
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
feature telnet
cfs eth distribute
feature pim
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
ip domain-lookup
service unsupported-transceiver
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
10 permit eigrp any ff02::a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
10 permit icmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
10 permit udp any any eq ntp
20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
10 permit icmp any any echo
20 permit icmp any any echo-reply
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
30 permit udp any eq rip
40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
70 permit ospf any any
80 permit ospf any
90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
10 permit udp any eq 1985
20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
10 permit udp any any eq snmp
20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
10 permit tcp any any eq 22
20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
10 permit udp any any eq tftp
20 permit udp any any eq 1758
30 permit udp any eq tftp any
40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
50 permit tcp any any eq 115
60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
30 permit udp any any eq 1812
40 permit udp any any eq 1813
50 permit udp any any eq 1645
60 permit udp any any eq 1646
70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit tcp any any eq 107
30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
10 permit udp any ff02::66/128 eq 2029
20 permit udp any ff02::fb/128 eq 5353
30 permit 112 any ff02::12/128
40 permit pim any ff02::d/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
10 permit 89 any ff02::5/128
20 permit 89 any ff02::6/128
30 permit udp any ff02::9/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy
class copp-s-default
police pps 400
class copp-s-l2switched
police pps 200
class copp-s-ping
police pps 100
class copp-s-l3destmiss
police pps 100
class copp-s-glean
police pps 500
class copp-s-selfIp
police pps 500
class copp-s-l3mtufail
police pps 100
class copp-s-ttl1
police pps 100
class copp-s-ipmcmiss
police pps 400
class copp-s-l3slowpath
police pps 100
class copp-s-dhcpreq
police pps 300
class copp-s-dhcpresp
police pps 300
class copp-s-dai
police pps 300
class copp-s-igmp
police pps 400
class copp-s-eigrp
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimreg
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimautorp
police pps 200
class copp-s-routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-v6routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-routingProto1
police pps 1000
class copp-s-arp
police pps 200
class copp-s-ptp
police pps 1000
class copp-s-vxlan
police pps 1000
class copp-s-bfd
police pps 350
class copp-s-bpdu
police pps 12000
class copp-s-dpss
police pps 1000
class copp-s-mpls
police pps 100
class copp-icmp
police pps 200
class copp-telnet
police pps 500
class copp-ssh
police pps 500
class copp-snmp
police pps 500
class copp-ntp
police pps 100
class copp-tacacsradius
police pps 400
class copp-stftp
police pps 400
service-policy input copp-system-policy
ip telnet source-interface mgmt0
ip route
vrf context management
ip route
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 48x10G+4x40G
no hardware profile ecmp resilient
vpc domain 1
peer-keepalive destination source
interface Vlan1
interface port-channel1
description Nexus SW1 VPC
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
vpc peer-link
interface port-channel10
switchport mode trunk
vpc 10
interface port-channel11
switchport mode trunk
vpc 11
interface port-channel12
switchport mode trunk
vpc 12
interface port-channel13
switchport mode trunk
vpc 13
interface port-channel14
switchport mode trunk
vpc 14
interface port-channel15
switchport mode trunk
vpc 15
interface port-channel16
switchport mode trunk
vpc 16
interface port-channel17
switchport mode trunk
vpc 17
interface port-channel18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
vpc 18
interface port-channel19
switchport mode trunk
vpc 19
interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk
vpc 20
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode active
interface Ethernet1/2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode active
interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode active
interface Ethernet1/4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 14 mode active
interface Ethernet1/5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 15 mode active
interface Ethernet1/6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 16 mode active
interface Ethernet1/7
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 17 mode active
interface Ethernet1/8
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
channel-group 18 mode active
interface Ethernet1/9
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 19 mode active
interface Ethernet1/10
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 20 mode active
interface Ethernet1/11
interface Ethernet1/12
interface Ethernet1/13
interface Ethernet1/14
interface Ethernet1/15
interface Ethernet1/16
interface Ethernet1/17
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,61
interface Ethernet1/18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,61
interface Ethernet1/19
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 50-51,61,70,200,210,220
interface Ethernet1/20
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,51,61,250
interface Ethernet1/21
interface Ethernet1/22
interface Ethernet1/23
interface Ethernet1/24
interface Ethernet1/25
interface Ethernet1/26
interface Ethernet1/27
interface Ethernet1/28
interface Ethernet1/29
interface Ethernet1/30
interface Ethernet1/31
interface Ethernet1/32
interface Ethernet1/33
interface Ethernet1/34
interface Ethernet1/35
interface Ethernet1/36
interface Ethernet1/37
interface Ethernet1/38
interface Ethernet1/39
interface Ethernet1/40
interface Ethernet1/41
interface Ethernet1/42
interface Ethernet1/43
interface Ethernet1/44
interface Ethernet1/45
switchport access vlan 55
interface Ethernet1/46
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 111,400
interface Ethernet1/47
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1/48
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet1/49
interface Ethernet1/50
interface Ethernet1/51
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface Ethernet1/52
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface mgmt0
vrf member management
line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin
sw2 B site
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Mon Nov 30 09:02:50 2020
version 7.0(3)I7(3)
switchname SW2.siteB
vdc SW2.siteB id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource vrf minimum 2 maximum 4096
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 104
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 128 maximum 128
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 96 maximum 96
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
feature telnet
cfs eth distribute
feature pim
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
ip domain-lookup
service unsupported-transceiver
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
10 permit eigrp any ff02::a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
10 permit icmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
10 permit udp any any eq ntp
20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
10 permit icmp any any echo
20 permit icmp any any echo-reply
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
30 permit udp any eq rip
40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
70 permit ospf any any
80 permit ospf any
90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
10 permit udp any eq 1985
20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
10 permit udp any any eq snmp
20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
10 permit tcp any any eq 22
20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
10 permit udp any any eq tftp
20 permit udp any any eq 1758
30 permit udp any eq tftp any
40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
50 permit tcp any any eq 115
60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
30 permit udp any any eq 1812
40 permit udp any any eq 1813
50 permit udp any any eq 1645
60 permit udp any any eq 1646
70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit tcp any any eq 107
30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
10 permit udp any ff02::66/128 eq 2029
20 permit udp any ff02::fb/128 eq 5353
30 permit 112 any ff02::12/128
40 permit pim any ff02::d/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
10 permit 89 any ff02::5/128
20 permit 89 any ff02::6/128
30 permit udp any ff02::9/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy
class copp-s-default
police pps 400
class copp-s-l2switched
police pps 200
class copp-s-ping
police pps 100
class copp-s-l3destmiss
police pps 100
class copp-s-glean
police pps 500
class copp-s-selfIp
police pps 500
class copp-s-l3mtufail
police pps 100
class copp-s-ttl1
police pps 100
class copp-s-ipmcmiss
police pps 400
class copp-s-l3slowpath
police pps 100
class copp-s-dhcpreq
police pps 300
class copp-s-dhcpresp
police pps 300
class copp-s-dai
police pps 300
class copp-s-igmp
police pps 400
class copp-s-eigrp
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimreg
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimautorp
police pps 200
class copp-s-routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-v6routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-routingProto1
police pps 1000
class copp-s-arp
police pps 200
class copp-s-ptp
police pps 1000
class copp-s-vxlan
police pps 1000
class copp-s-bfd
police pps 350
class copp-s-bpdu
police pps 12000
class copp-s-dpss
police pps 1000
class copp-s-mpls
police pps 100
class copp-icmp
police pps 200
class copp-telnet
police pps 500
class copp-ssh
police pps 500
class copp-snmp
police pps 500
class copp-ntp
police pps 100
class copp-tacacsradius
police pps 400
class copp-stftp
police pps 400
service-policy input copp-system-policy
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0x8e468f800c02319cd35b5456e221a30a priv 0x8e468f800c02319cd35b5456e221a30a localizedkey
rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
ip route
vrf context management
ip route
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 48x10G+4x40G
no hardware profile ecmp resilient
vpc domain 1
peer-keepalive destination source
interface Vlan1
interface port-channel1
description Nexus SW1 VPC
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
vpc peer-link
interface port-channel10
switchport mode trunk
vpc 10
interface port-channel11
switchport mode trunk
vpc 11
interface port-channel12
switchport mode trunk
vpc 12
interface port-channel13
switchport mode trunk
vpc 13
interface port-channel14
switchport mode trunk
vpc 14
interface port-channel15
switchport mode trunk
vpc 15
interface port-channel16
switchport mode trunk
vpc 16
interface port-channel17
switchport mode trunk
vpc 17
interface port-channel18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
vpc 18
interface port-channel19
switchport mode trunk
vpc 19
interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk
vpc 20
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode active
interface Ethernet1/2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode active
interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode active
interface Ethernet1/4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 14 mode active
interface Ethernet1/5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 15 mode active
interface Ethernet1/6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 16 mode active
interface Ethernet1/7
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 17 mode active
interface Ethernet1/8
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
channel-group 18 mode active
interface Ethernet1/9
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 19 mode active
interface Ethernet1/10
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 20 mode active
interface Ethernet1/11
interface Ethernet1/12
interface Ethernet1/13
interface Ethernet1/14
interface Ethernet1/15
interface Ethernet1/16
interface Ethernet1/17
interface Ethernet1/18
interface Ethernet1/19
interface Ethernet1/20
interface Ethernet1/21
interface Ethernet1/22
interface Ethernet1/23
interface Ethernet1/24
interface Ethernet1/25
interface Ethernet1/26
interface Ethernet1/27
interface Ethernet1/28
interface Ethernet1/29
interface Ethernet1/30
interface Ethernet1/31
interface Ethernet1/32
interface Ethernet1/33
interface Ethernet1/34
interface Ethernet1/35
interface Ethernet1/36
interface Ethernet1/37
interface Ethernet1/38
interface Ethernet1/39
interface Ethernet1/40
interface Ethernet1/41
interface Ethernet1/42
interface Ethernet1/43
interface Ethernet1/44
interface Ethernet1/45
interface Ethernet1/46
interface Ethernet1/47
interface Ethernet1/48
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet1/49
interface Ethernet1/50
interface Ethernet1/51
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface Ethernet1/52
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface mgmt0
vrf member management
line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin
11-28-2020 08:29 AM - edited 11-28-2020 12:00 PM
The vpc memeber link is config with vpc vlan or other vlan ?
also make sure that vPC vlan is allow through vPC link.
11-28-2020 11:56 AM - edited 11-28-2020 11:57 AM
@Ziggy74 wrote:
i'm thinkig to put in vpc the nexus in the first site , this can fix my lopp issues?
Yes , But on the nexus second site though, I dont think you need to change the single nexus.
If at as present the ports are not in a vpc on the nexus pair in the second site then they are classed as orphan so if/when put them into a vpc all should be fine.
12-01-2020 12:25 AM
Hello Paul,
here in enclose the configs of the three switches nexus with diagram updated , when i did put port 48 on in the nexus 2 B site flap error starts. Can you help me to understand whats is wrong?
Thanks in dvance
config A site
version 7.0(3)I4(7)
hostname swA
vdc SWA id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource vrf minimum 2 maximum 4096
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 104
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 128 maximum 128
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 96 maximum 96
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
feature telnet
cfs eth distribute
feature pim
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
4 role network-admin
ip domain-lookup
service unsupported-transceiver
ip access-list blockMX1
10 deny udp any eq 2000
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
10 permit eigrp any ff02::a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
10 permit udp any any eq ntp
20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
30 permit udp any eq rip
40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
70 permit ospf any any
80 permit ospf any
90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
10 permit udp any eq 1985
20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
10 permit udp any any eq snmp
20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
10 permit tcp any any eq 22
20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
10 permit udp any any eq tftp
20 permit udp any any eq 1758
30 permit udp any eq tftp any
40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
50 permit tcp any any eq 115
60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
30 permit udp any any eq 1812
40 permit udp any any eq 1813
50 permit udp any any eq 1645
60 permit udp any any eq 1646
70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit tcp any any eq 107
30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
10 permit udp any ff02::66/128 eq 2029
20 permit udp any ff02::fb/128 eq 5353
30 permit 112 any ff02::12/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
10 permit 89 any ff02::5/128
20 permit 89 any ff02::6/128
30 permit udp any ff02::9/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy
class copp-s-default
police pps 400
class copp-s-l2switched
police pps 200
class copp-s-ping
police pps 100
class copp-s-l3destmiss
police pps 100
class copp-s-glean
police pps 500
class copp-s-selfIp
police pps 500
class copp-s-l3mtufail
police pps 100
class copp-s-ttl1
police pps 100
class copp-s-ipmcmiss
police pps 400
class copp-s-l3slowpath
police pps 100
class copp-s-dhcpreq
police pps 300
class copp-s-dhcpresp
police pps 300
class copp-s-dai
police pps 300
class copp-s-igmp
police pps 400
class copp-s-routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-v6routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-eigrp
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimreg
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimautorp
police pps 200
class copp-s-routingProto1
police pps 1000
class copp-s-arp
police pps 200
class copp-s-ptp
police pps 1000
class copp-s-vxlan
police pps 1000
class copp-s-bfd
police pps 350
class copp-s-bpdu
police pps 12000
class copp-s-dpss
police pps 1000
class copp-s-mpls
police pps 100
class copp-icmp
police pps 200
class copp-telnet
police pps 500
class copp-ssh
police pps 500
class copp-snmp
police pps 500
class copp-ntp
police pps 100
class copp-tacacsradius
police pps 400
class copp-stftp
police pps 400
service-policy input copp-system-policy
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0x898eedb7ffc5f3907593cc2cc5249989
priv 0x898eedb7ffc5f3907593cc2cc5249989 localizedkey
rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
snmp-server community NTn0cP0P group network-operator
no ip pim auto-enable
no ip igmp snooping report-suppression
vlan 1
vlan 20
name iDirect_traffic
vlan 50
name DMZ1
vlan 51
name DMZ2
vlan 55
name DMZ3
vlan 61
name test_usingen
vlan 81
name GEM
vlan 90
name mgmt
vlan 100
name cogent-test
vlan 200
name Multicast
vlan 250
name MC-Turnaround
vlan 300
name MulticastGEM
vlan 301
name Gemout
vlan 320
name MX1
spanning-tree vlan 200,250,301 priority 40960
vrf context management
no system urpf disable
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 64x10G
interface port-channel10
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
no negotiate auto
interface Ethernet1/1
interface Ethernet1/2
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
no negotiate auto
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet1/4
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
no negotiate auto
interface mgmt0
vrf member management
line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I4.7.bin
sw1 B site
version 7.0(3)I7(3)
switchname SW1.siteB
vdc SW1.siteB id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource vrf minimum 2 maximum 4096
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 104
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 128 maximum 128
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 96 maximum 96
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
feature telnet
cfs eth distribute
feature pim
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
ip domain-lookup
service unsupported-transceiver
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
10 permit eigrp any ff02::a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
10 permit icmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
10 permit udp any any eq ntp
20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
10 permit icmp any any echo
20 permit icmp any any echo-reply
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
30 permit udp any eq rip
40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
70 permit ospf any any
80 permit ospf any
90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
10 permit udp any eq 1985
20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
10 permit udp any any eq snmp
20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
10 permit tcp any any eq 22
20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
10 permit udp any any eq tftp
20 permit udp any any eq 1758
30 permit udp any eq tftp any
40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
50 permit tcp any any eq 115
60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
30 permit udp any any eq 1812
40 permit udp any any eq 1813
50 permit udp any any eq 1645
60 permit udp any any eq 1646
70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit tcp any any eq 107
30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
10 permit udp any ff02::66/128 eq 2029
20 permit udp any ff02::fb/128 eq 5353
30 permit 112 any ff02::12/128
40 permit pim any ff02::d/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
10 permit 89 any ff02::5/128
20 permit 89 any ff02::6/128
30 permit udp any ff02::9/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy
class copp-s-default
police pps 400
class copp-s-l2switched
police pps 200
class copp-s-ping
police pps 100
class copp-s-l3destmiss
police pps 100
class copp-s-glean
police pps 500
class copp-s-selfIp
police pps 500
class copp-s-l3mtufail
police pps 100
class copp-s-ttl1
police pps 100
class copp-s-ipmcmiss
police pps 400
class copp-s-l3slowpath
police pps 100
class copp-s-dhcpreq
police pps 300
class copp-s-dhcpresp
police pps 300
class copp-s-dai
police pps 300
class copp-s-igmp
police pps 400
class copp-s-eigrp
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimreg
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimautorp
police pps 200
class copp-s-routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-v6routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-routingProto1
police pps 1000
class copp-s-arp
police pps 200
class copp-s-ptp
police pps 1000
class copp-s-vxlan
police pps 1000
class copp-s-bfd
police pps 350
class copp-s-bpdu
police pps 12000
class copp-s-dpss
police pps 1000
class copp-s-mpls
police pps 100
class copp-icmp
police pps 200
class copp-telnet
police pps 500
class copp-ssh
police pps 500
class copp-snmp
police pps 500
class copp-ntp
police pps 100
class copp-tacacsradius
police pps 400
class copp-stftp
police pps 400
service-policy input copp-system-policy
ip telnet source-interface mgmt0
ip route
vrf context management
ip route
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 48x10G+4x40G
no hardware profile ecmp resilient
vpc domain 1
peer-keepalive destination source
interface Vlan1
interface port-channel1
description Nexus SW1 VPC
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
vpc peer-link
interface port-channel10
switchport mode trunk
vpc 10
interface port-channel11
switchport mode trunk
vpc 11
interface port-channel12
switchport mode trunk
vpc 12
interface port-channel13
switchport mode trunk
vpc 13
interface port-channel14
switchport mode trunk
vpc 14
interface port-channel15
switchport mode trunk
vpc 15
interface port-channel16
switchport mode trunk
vpc 16
interface port-channel17
switchport mode trunk
vpc 17
interface port-channel18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
vpc 18
interface port-channel19
switchport mode trunk
vpc 19
interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk
vpc 20
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode active
interface Ethernet1/2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode active
interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode active
interface Ethernet1/4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 14 mode active
interface Ethernet1/5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 15 mode active
interface Ethernet1/6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 16 mode active
interface Ethernet1/7
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 17 mode active
interface Ethernet1/8
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
channel-group 18 mode active
interface Ethernet1/9
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 19 mode active
interface Ethernet1/10
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 20 mode active
interface Ethernet1/11
interface Ethernet1/12
interface Ethernet1/13
interface Ethernet1/14
interface Ethernet1/15
interface Ethernet1/16
interface Ethernet1/17
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,61
interface Ethernet1/18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,61
interface Ethernet1/19
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 50-51,61,70,200,210,220
interface Ethernet1/20
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,51,61,250
interface Ethernet1/21
interface Ethernet1/22
interface Ethernet1/23
interface Ethernet1/24
interface Ethernet1/25
interface Ethernet1/26
interface Ethernet1/27
interface Ethernet1/28
interface Ethernet1/29
interface Ethernet1/30
interface Ethernet1/31
interface Ethernet1/32
interface Ethernet1/33
interface Ethernet1/34
interface Ethernet1/35
interface Ethernet1/36
interface Ethernet1/37
interface Ethernet1/38
interface Ethernet1/39
interface Ethernet1/40
interface Ethernet1/41
interface Ethernet1/42
interface Ethernet1/43
interface Ethernet1/44
interface Ethernet1/45
switchport access vlan 55
interface Ethernet1/46
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 111,400
interface Ethernet1/47
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1/48
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet1/49
interface Ethernet1/50
interface Ethernet1/51
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface Ethernet1/52
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface mgmt0
vrf member management
line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin
sw2 B site
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Mon Nov 30 09:02:50 2020
version 7.0(3)I7(3)
switchname SW2.siteB
vdc SW2.siteB id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource vrf minimum 2 maximum 4096
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 104
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 128 maximum 128
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 96 maximum 96
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
feature telnet
cfs eth distribute
feature pim
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
ip domain-lookup
service unsupported-transceiver
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
10 permit eigrp any ff02::a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
10 permit icmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
10 permit udp any any eq ntp
20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
10 permit icmp any any echo
20 permit icmp any any echo-reply
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
30 permit udp any eq rip
40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
70 permit ospf any any
80 permit ospf any
90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
10 permit udp any eq 1985
20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
10 permit udp any any eq snmp
20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
10 permit tcp any any eq 22
20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
10 permit udp any any eq tftp
20 permit udp any any eq 1758
30 permit udp any eq tftp any
40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
50 permit tcp any any eq 115
60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
30 permit udp any any eq 1812
40 permit udp any any eq 1813
50 permit udp any any eq 1645
60 permit udp any any eq 1646
70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit tcp any any eq 107
30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
10 permit udp any ff02::66/128 eq 2029
20 permit udp any ff02::fb/128 eq 5353
30 permit 112 any ff02::12/128
40 permit pim any ff02::d/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
10 permit 89 any ff02::5/128
20 permit 89 any ff02::6/128
30 permit udp any ff02::9/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy
class copp-s-default
police pps 400
class copp-s-l2switched
police pps 200
class copp-s-ping
police pps 100
class copp-s-l3destmiss
police pps 100
class copp-s-glean
police pps 500
class copp-s-selfIp
police pps 500
class copp-s-l3mtufail
police pps 100
class copp-s-ttl1
police pps 100
class copp-s-ipmcmiss
police pps 400
class copp-s-l3slowpath
police pps 100
class copp-s-dhcpreq
police pps 300
class copp-s-dhcpresp
police pps 300
class copp-s-dai
police pps 300
class copp-s-igmp
police pps 400
class copp-s-eigrp
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimreg
police pps 200
class copp-s-pimautorp
police pps 200
class copp-s-routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-v6routingProto2
police pps 1300
class copp-s-routingProto1
police pps 1000
class copp-s-arp
police pps 200
class copp-s-ptp
police pps 1000
class copp-s-vxlan
police pps 1000
class copp-s-bfd
police pps 350
class copp-s-bpdu
police pps 12000
class copp-s-dpss
police pps 1000
class copp-s-mpls
police pps 100
class copp-icmp
police pps 200
class copp-telnet
police pps 500
class copp-ssh
police pps 500
class copp-snmp
police pps 500
class copp-ntp
police pps 100
class copp-tacacsradius
police pps 400
class copp-stftp
police pps 400
service-policy input copp-system-policy
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0x8e468f800c02319cd35b5456e221a30a priv 0x8e468f800c02319cd35b5456e221a30a localizedkey
rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
ip route
vrf context management
ip route
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 48x10G+4x40G
no hardware profile ecmp resilient
vpc domain 1
peer-keepalive destination source
interface Vlan1
interface port-channel1
description Nexus SW1 VPC
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
vpc peer-link
interface port-channel10
switchport mode trunk
vpc 10
interface port-channel11
switchport mode trunk
vpc 11
interface port-channel12
switchport mode trunk
vpc 12
interface port-channel13
switchport mode trunk
vpc 13
interface port-channel14
switchport mode trunk
vpc 14
interface port-channel15
switchport mode trunk
vpc 15
interface port-channel16
switchport mode trunk
vpc 16
interface port-channel17
switchport mode trunk
vpc 17
interface port-channel18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
vpc 18
interface port-channel19
switchport mode trunk
vpc 19
interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk
vpc 20
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode active
interface Ethernet1/2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode active
interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode active
interface Ethernet1/4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 14 mode active
interface Ethernet1/5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 15 mode active
interface Ethernet1/6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 16 mode active
interface Ethernet1/7
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 17 mode active
interface Ethernet1/8
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,50,61,65,850-852
channel-group 18 mode active
interface Ethernet1/9
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 19 mode active
interface Ethernet1/10
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 20 mode active
interface Ethernet1/11
interface Ethernet1/12
interface Ethernet1/13
interface Ethernet1/14
interface Ethernet1/15
interface Ethernet1/16
interface Ethernet1/17
interface Ethernet1/18
interface Ethernet1/19
interface Ethernet1/20
interface Ethernet1/21
interface Ethernet1/22
interface Ethernet1/23
interface Ethernet1/24
interface Ethernet1/25
interface Ethernet1/26
interface Ethernet1/27
interface Ethernet1/28
interface Ethernet1/29
interface Ethernet1/30
interface Ethernet1/31
interface Ethernet1/32
interface Ethernet1/33
interface Ethernet1/34
interface Ethernet1/35
interface Ethernet1/36
interface Ethernet1/37
interface Ethernet1/38
interface Ethernet1/39
interface Ethernet1/40
interface Ethernet1/41
interface Ethernet1/42
interface Ethernet1/43
interface Ethernet1/44
interface Ethernet1/45
interface Ethernet1/46
interface Ethernet1/47
interface Ethernet1/48
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 10 mode active
interface Ethernet1/49
interface Ethernet1/50
interface Ethernet1/51
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface Ethernet1/52
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode active
interface mgmt0
vrf member management
line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin
12-01-2020 03:44 AM
can you add "spanning-tree port type normal" on all trunk and port-channel interface?
interface Ethernet1/48
spanning-tree port type normal
interface port-channel10
spanning-tree port type normal
interface Ethernet1/48
spanning-tree port type normal
interface port-channel10
spanning-tree port type normal
interface Ethernet1/3
spanning-tree port type normal
interface Ethernet1/4
spanning-tree port type normal
interface port-channel10
spanning-tree port type normal
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