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unmanaged switch connected to managed switch is not passing dhcp and traffic

Level 1
Level 1

I have unmanaged switch that is connected to cisco 2960 switch on a port with vlan160. the unmanaged switch is not passing the dhcp for the vlan160. the port is configured as access. I tried to configure as trunk but it is still not passing the dhcp. Also the port is configured as a dhcp snooping trust.

8 Replies 8

Julio E. Moisa
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


Have you tried configuring the port as access on the Cisco 2960 and removing dhcp snooping trust?

>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

@Julio E. Moisa   I didn't try that. since dhcp snooping is configured on the vlan, i thought it would be necessary to add that port to the trusted list. anyway i'll try


Ip dhcp snooping trust is configured under the interface(s) over the path going through the DHCP server, with that you can guarantee the path to a legitime DHCP server in your infrastructure. 


SW2960 ---- trunk (ip dhcp snooping trust) ----- Switch ---- Company DHCP Server


access mode


Unmanaged switch 


I assume your unmmanage switch is used for end users, right?. 


>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

@Julio E. Moisa , yes it is for end users. APs are also connected to the unmanaged switch

Hi Liban,

Have you already tried just configuring the port as access?

>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

Hi @Julio E. Moisa,
Initial config of the port is access, i tried changing it to trunk, it didn't work.



SW2960 ---- trunk (ip dhcp snooping trust) ----- Switch ---- Company DHCP Server


The switch highlighted, is this a L3 switch - what make/model is it?

if your DHCP server isnt local to you lan network then you will require helper addressing.


with snooping on - no ip dhcp relay information option.


However I would suggest removing dhcp snooping and troubleshoot dhcp allocation first then apply snooping once you know it works.

access-list 100 permit ip host host
debug ip packet detail 100




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Level 1
Level 1

Assuming that the port is configured in access mode and as a trusted port, have you tried running the following command: SW1(config)# ip dhcp snooping information option?

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