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WS-C4507R+E Power supply error.

Level 1
Level 1


one of my 4500 switch reports power supply error, "PS mismatch" but what i fond both PS are identical.

Any thoughts or suggestion highly appreciated

Switch#sh mod
Chassis Type : WS-C4507R+E

Power consumed by backplane : 40 Watts

Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
 1    24  1000BaseX (SFP)                        WS-X4624-SFP-E     CATXXXXXXX
 2    24  1000BaseX (SFP)                        WS-X4624-SFP-E     CATXXXXXXX
 3     4  Sup 7-E 10GE (SFP+), 1000BaseX (SFP)   WS-X45-SUP7-E      CATXXXXXXX

 M MAC addresses                    Hw  Fw           Sw               Status
 1 xxac.7867.7dc8 to xxac.7867.7ddf 2.0                               Ok       
 2 xxac.7870.5734 to xxac.7870.574b 2.0                               Ok       
 3 xxac.78f7.9ec0 to xxac.78f7.9ec3 3.0 15.0(1r)SG10 03.04.02.SG      Ok       

Mod  Redundancy role     Operating mode      Redundancy status
 3   Active Supervisor   SSO                 Active                            

System Failures:
Power Supply:   mixed types (see 'show power')

switch#sh power
Power                                             Fan      Inline
Supply  Model No          Type       Status       Sensor   Status
------  ----------------  ---------  -----------  -------  -------
PS1     PWR-C45-4200ACV   AC 4200W   good         good     good   
PS1-1                         220V   good         
PS1-2                         220V   good         
PS2     PWR-C45-4200ACV   AC 4200W   err-disable  good     good   
PS2-1                                off          
PS2-2                         220V   good         

*** Power Supplies of different type have been detected***

Power supplies needed by system    : 1
Power supplies currently available : 1

Power Summary                      Maximum
 (in Watts)              Used     Available
----------------------   ----     ---------
System Power (12V)        515        1360
Inline Power (-50V)         0        3645
Backplane Power (3.3V)     40          40
----------------------   ----     ---------
Total                     555 (not to exceed Total Maximum Available = 4200)

Power Measurement    Inline Power (-50V)
(in Watts)             (+/- 50Watts)
------------------   -------------------
PS1                          50
PS2                           0
------------------   -------------------
Total                        50

3 Replies 3

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Did you try reseat it  ?

it should not go like that if the ps is the same 4200 on each ps unless it maybe be a software related issue or something to do with what its actually connected back into

Note All Catalyst 4500 series switch AC-input power supplies require single-phase source AC. The source AC can be out of phase between multiple power supplies or multiple AC-power plugs on the same power supply because all AC power supply inputs are isolated. Each chassis power supply should have its own dedicated branch circuit: 20A for North America and circuits sized to local and national codes for International locations.

When you insert power supplies in your switch, use power supplies that are of the same wattage. If you mix power supplies, the switch will use the one it recognizes first and ignore the other power supply. The power supply status displays as err-disable and the summary displays as all zeros (0) for wattage values in the output for the show power command.

The following example shows the output for the show power command for mixed power supplies:

Switch# show power

Power                                             Fan     Inline

Supply  Model No          Type       Status       Sensor  Status

------  ----------------  ---------  -----------  ------  ------

PS1     PWR-C45-2800AC    AC 2800W   good         good    good  

PS2     PWR-C45-1000AC    AC 1000W   err-disable  good    n.a.  

*** Power Supplies of different type have been detected***

Power supplies needed by system    :1

Power supplies currently available :1

Power Summary                      Maximum

 (in Watts)              Used     Available

----------------------   ----     ---------

System Power (12V)        328         1360

Inline Power (-50V)         0         1400

Backplane Power (3.3V)     10           40

----------------------   ----

Total Used                338 (not to exceed Total Maximum Available = 750)


Thank you mark for the suggestions.

I have identified the cause. Power inlet to PS2-1 was off.

ah glad you got it sorted

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