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Chet Cronin
Level 4
Level 4

Need some assistance please. 
Running CMS Version 3.3.3 with CMM 3.X
My goal is I want to dial out via CMM to any number and have it hit the Expressway C and let the Expressway C route the call to the right neighbor zone based on existing search rules. 
The CMS sent the number out SIP "Alias@domain"  it failed.
I checked search history noticed some where it changed the "Alias@domain" to "Alias@IP Address of Expressway". 
So I created a suffix rule to strip the IP Address i.e. @ip Address strip and target local zone. 
I than dialed a system registered on the Expressway and it connected.  (Note all our systems at this time are H.323 only). 
Than I dialed a system that is in another location but it failed.   
I need a rule or transform I guess so what ever I dial will hit the expressway and let the expressway run thru the search rules to find a match and forward the call. 

Any assist with a search rule or transform will be appreciated. 

Now the darn thing when dialing out route to the IVR ?   Doesn't hit the search rules at all ... 



Chet Cronin
13 Replies 13


What exactly are you dialing in CMS? How is the outbound rule configured (screenshot would be most helpful)
What is reaching the Expressway and where should it go to?

Your description is to generic, so please provide examples.

I am dialing 6511027 and it shows up in the expressway history as and then changes to 6511027@Exp_IP_Address .  I than have to create a search rule suffix @ip Address Strip and target local zone.   
Than it works when dialing an endpoint locally registered but when I dial a number that is external it fails.   


Chet Cronin

Probably because you are missing a rule for <number>@<IP> to send it to somewhere.

You probably would need the same rule twice:
1. rule tries to find local registered devices with target local zone / search behaviour to continue
2. rule routes the call to CUCM probably / search behaviour to stop

Sorry for delay getting back with you. 
So to dial 302656XXXX@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   I would create a rule for 302 (Plus 7 digits)  (302\d{7})@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX replace \1 


Chet Cronin

Yes, for example.
You could also do it as a default rule and match everything coming from CMS, with the pattern ([1-9].*)@.* / replace \1 --> and send it to CUCM for exampe (and CUCM should care about the number routing).

But how you do it is up to you. The important part is, that you need a second rule, to match every number not assigned to a local registered device.

Appreciate the feedback.  Problem now is when I dial out from the CMS using CMM and enter a seven or ten digit number the call just got straight back to the CMS IVR ?   I see in search history a h.323 and SIP invite.   One is with the alias with the domain URI and the other is with the alias and the IP Address URI ... Getting frustrating cause I even created a domain strip transform and then that didn't work I create a high priority search rule to strip the domain and then one to strip the IP and still doesnt fly.  


Chet Cronin

Hard to say, without seeing the config / logs on my own.
Maybe you can send screenshots of the CMS outbound rules and EXP search rules and transforms (per PN if you don't wanna share it in public).
And maybe the logs for such an example call.

Have you tried to test a call with the "Locate" tool in EXP? (under Maintenance --> Tool --> Locate)

Using the tool confirms the call is just coming into the expressway and immediately goes out to the IVR number and not the number I am dialing . 


Chet Cronin

I know I need to provide more details but the system is on a classified network and unless I can get a CISCO SME or a SME with access to the classified network it will be difficult to isolate and correct my issue. 


Chet Cronin

We have been analyzing the CMS logs and what is interesting is that from the CMM when dialing say 6511027 it appears the digits are either not being recognized on the CMS or the digits never leave the CMS.   The Expressway C history never see's 6511027 entering the expressway but it does see the call immediately go right to the IVR 6511900 ...   

When we change the priority from 1 to 40 of the loopback IP on the outbound page we don't even see the call hitting the 6511900 IVR.  When we put it back to priority one the call to 6511900 connects but I am dialing a desktop VTC 6511027.  

Now looking at the search history both entries are SIP Invites one is destination SIP: ip @ domain found and the other line is SIP: IP Address of expressway found ? 


Chet Cronin

One new observation is that in the CMS log we noticed that the Alias never makes it to the CMS when dialing any alias number or URI from the CMM ?   Example:  If I dial 6511027 from the CMM the CMS log would show an incoming call SIP with a domain "ONLY" and no alias prefix number at all ? 


Chet Cronin

Found the initial issue and made the fix.   I had a outbound transform created with all blank fields ... I just caught it, deleted the transform and now I can dial to a local VTC system that is on the Expressway ... I am having an issue dialing an endpoint external. 

The URI is the alias @ domain.  The domain is the IP address of the expressway and I am trying to strip the IP address and just forward the ailas once it's in the expressway and let the search rule created to point to the neighbor zone it is set for.   I haven't been able get a transform or a search rule to strip the darn IP ...   I first created a pre-search transform strip which didn't work.   I created a transform regex to replace with a \1.  I than tried a couple different search rules .. one suffix strip and another regex replace with \1 but still not working . 


Chet Cronin

Something like that should work in the search rule:
