I am going to convert an old Windows 2000 based TMS install with an SQL 2005 to a new Win2008R2 Win server with an external SQL 2008 sql server.
What I noticed is that the original server has: SQL_Latin1_Gernal_CP1_CI_AS set up and not
Latin1_General_CI_AI as defined in the install guide.
Is this a problem or can it be somehow converted? At least it can not simply be switched (see attached file)
Till now there was no info on issues with the database.
I do not want to set up the TMS new as there are many systems behind firewall.
I also noticed that the compatiblity level is set to 2005(90) should this be changed or kept?
Besides that, the SQL server is indepentent, I just wonder how to create a database user,
a regular local acount can not be selected and ceating some new user also fails on me.
So if you have any tip there, feel free as well :-)