We have a SX20 and a SX80 in two different room locations (same building), which last week, all of a sudden, the auto-join functionality quit working on both systems. Manually entering the meeting ID and they'll connect fine. Prior to Monday afternoon last week, there were no issues.
I sat in when a auto-join of a scheduled item was to occur and when it got time to auto-join / connect for the meeting, I heard an operators voice across the speakers say: "This call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again." As I said, entering the meeting ID and the device connects fine.
I checked the call logs for both systems, and for the auto-join entries, there are listed in these entries:
Disconnect cause Call party not registered
Disconnect cause code 404 (SIP)
Disconnect cause type NetworkRejected
Occurrence type NoAnswer
I have almost zero experience with these systems, so I'm uncertain what to check and figure out why this is occurring.
Thank you..