Does anyone have a working example of a curl call to UCS Director REST API. Requests using the REST API browser seem to work but I have yet to replicate that on the command line. No amount of escaping seems to work. Neither GET nor POST etc etc.
curl -X GET -v -k -H 'X-Cloupia-Request-Key: 96E0734017714BF48408EC3C4A8672D3' '\{param0:"InvokeCustTask",param1:\{"list":\[\{"name":"First Input","value":"Another"\},\{"name":"Second Input","value":"User"\}\]\},param2:-1\}'
> GET /app/api/rest?formatType=json&opName=userAPISubmitWorkflowServiceRequest&opData={param0:"InvokeCustTask",param1:{"list":[{"name":"First Input","value":"Another"},{"name":"Second Input","value":"User"}]},param2:-1} HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 16:27:51 GMT
< Connection: close
* Server Web is not blacklisted
< Server: Web