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Cisco Unity 7.0(2) and Exchange 2007 MAPI Issues

David Hailey
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

I've been working an engagement to resolve some issues with an existing Cisco Unity system (base installation performed by another vendor).  I'm curious if any of you veterans have seen anything similar to the following:

Unity 7.0(2) ES40 (w/failover) integrated with Exchange 2007 (Update Rollup 2 for Service Pack 3)

There are 5 Exchange 2007 clusters (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9)

Cluster 9 is the Partner Exchange server and users are spread across all clusters

Unity and all Exchange servers are centrally located

Example issues/troubleshooting:

1.  Initially saw MAPI function call time threshold warnings in Unity logs (most notably for Partner / Cluster 9).  Found that the version of Exchange was not consistent across all clusters.  Partner server was SP3 Rollup 2 but all other clusters were SP2.  Also found that SP3 Rollup 3 was installed but had to roll back due to documented MS issues.  Recommended that Exchange version remain consistent across all clusters - SP3 Rollup 2 installed on all remaining clusters (1 - 4).

2.  Each month, Clusters 1 - 4 are rebooted - considered part of normal maintenance.  When this occurred, Unity would log the offline/online and subsequent mailstore resync for some clusters but not all.  Users could receive/retrieve messages via Outlook & phone but MWI did not function properly.  When looking at an individual subscriber for example, the user would have a new message in the mailbox but Unity would display the MWI status as OFF.  Perform a refresh of MWI for Subscriber.  Cisco Unity would log a MALEx / MAPI error stating:

An attempt to delete a search-result folder for account cn=<User>,cn=Recipients,ou=Exchange Administrative Group(<Group>),o=NA has failed.  The MAPI subsystem returned the following: 80040115.  This is typically an indication of configuration issues with Unity, Exchange, or the MAPI subsystem.

After this error occurred, MWI will begin to function properly.

3.  No change in behavior after reboot.  Unity logs online/offline and resync status for some clusters but not all.  Deleted the MAPI profiles (registry key) on both Primary and Failover servers and rebooted Unity.  As expected, MAPI profiles were rebuilt on the Primary Unity server.  Afterwards, the MAILBOX_STORE value within the AD Monitor of DoH Prop displayed as the Partner Exchange server.  Turned on a number of Micro Traces as per TAC request.

4.  Began to test MWI for a number of users.  Found that MWI was delayed for users on one particular cluster and there was a single instance of warnings in the Unity log for MAPI function call time threshold exceeded...but MWI did function with a slight delay.  Users on other mailstores did not experience any issues with MWI.

5.  Rebooted Exchange clusters.  After rebuilding the MAPI profiles, Unity successfully logged the offline/online and resync with all of the Exchange clusters.

6.  MWI tests are performed.  A couple hours later, Unity detects one particular mailstore as going offline/online but no indication of a resync.  MWI for users on that cluster do not function; however, users can receive/retrive messages as expected.  Additionally, Unity logs MAPI function call time threshold exceeded warnings for 3 clusters (including the Partner server).

7.  Unity logs online/offline status for another mailstore but no resync.

Any thoughts, experiences, anything?  Maybe Mr. Lindborg will be online today!


D. Hailey

1 Reply 1

Level 7
Level 7

Hi David

Mmmm; that one looks *ugly*.

Complete left field thought here, but are there any firewalls in play between the Unity Servers and the Exchange clusters? I saw something similar (although not identical) when I had a firewall running application inspection between Unity and Exchange clusters. The firewall was randomly tearing down MAPI and other connections due to it's application inspection logic deciding that Unity was trying to do something horrible. We disabled application inspection, and the issues we had went away.

We actually found the issue by running concurrent wireshark captures of traffic running between the Unity Server and the Exchange cluster that most commonly experienced the problem. When we had issues, the capture showed a load of TCP RSTs on the connections which neither end device thought they had issued.

HTH (at least in a small way!)
