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CP-7821 digest Auth

Hello everyone.

Is there any Cisco expert?!

Is CP-7821 supports digest auth, for reg it in CUCM 7.1.5?!

12 Replies 12

Vivek Batra
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Guessing widely, digest authentication is a inherent part of SIP and should be supported with any kind of SIP implementation.

- Vivek

Hi, I understand.

But how should I add SIP digest username and password in CNF file?!

I have reg it in CME, then I took cnf-file from it, and there is no any digest fields ...

And when I reg 7821 in CUCM as Third-party, RTMT says "%CCM_CALLMANAGER-CALLMANAGER-3-DeviceTypeMismatch: Device type mismatch. Name of device.:SEPB07D47D1607B Device type.:621 Database device type:336 Cluster ID:StandAloneCluster Node ID: XXXX"

Digest credentials should be using name authname and password.

- Vivek

I did cnf file, like in this post.

But phone does not registers.

It has an "Registering" message on the display and nothing.

In CUCM web console, this phone is without an ip address.

Don't know ... 

Are you registering this phone as Cisco phone OR third party SIP phone? If as third party SIP phone, did you correctly configure the required settings in CUCM?

- Vivek

I try to reg it as third-party.

All settings in CUCM are correct, because endpoints like Linksys PAP2 are work fine, they regs like third-party sip.

How did you pass the configuration file to phone?

Did you take traces to check whether phone is sending REGISTER request or not?

- Vivek

I pass cnf file from CME router.

I have changed a file and copy it to router.

I did not take trace. I don't know how ...


This is debug from 7821 webface - CUCM - CME router

[01:37:53a,12/04/15] DeviceName=SEPB07D47D1607B DeviceIPv4Address= IPv4DefaultGateway= DeviceIPv6Address= IPv6DefaultGateway= ModelNumber=CP-7821 NeighborIPv4Address= NeighborIPv6Address= NeighborDeviceID=RNI-5 NeighborPortID=FastEthernet0/7 DHCPv4Status=3 DHCPv6Status=3 TFTPCfgStatus=1 DNSStatusUnifiedCM1=4 DNSStatusUnifiedCM2=0 DNSStatusUnifiedCM3=0 DNSv6StatusUnifiedCM1=0 DNSv6StatusUnifiedCM2=0 DNSv6StatusUnifiedCM3=0 VoiceVLAN=101 UnifiedCMIPAddress= LocalPort=0 TimeStamp=1449135800492 ReasonForOutOfService=24 LastProtocolEventSent=Sent:REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Cseq:101 REGISTER CallId:b07d47d1-607b0002-66d2ff70-57a8f95e@ LastProtocolEventReceived=Rcvd:SIP/2.0 200 OK Cseq:692 REGISTER CallId:b07d47d1-607b0002-0614f97f-201b4ef6@

Which device is assigned

From logs it seems phone is not having correct configuration. 


which is CME IP address. You need to check if you're passing correct credentials in configuration file to phone.

- Vivek

I made reset phone.

This is debug message know

10:22:48am,04/23/15] DeviceName=SEPB07D47D1607B DeviceIPv4Address= IPv4DefaultGateway= DeviceIPv6Address= IPv6DefaultGateway= ModelNumber=CP-7821 NeighborIPv4Address= NeighborIPv6Address= NeighborDeviceID=RNI-5 NeighborPortID=FastEthernet0/7 DHCPv4Status=3 DHCPv6Status=3 TFTPCfgStatus=1 DNSStatusUnifiedCM1=4 DNSStatusUnifiedCM2=0 DNSStatusUnifiedCM3=0 DNSv6StatusUnifiedCM1=0 DNSv6StatusUnifiedCM2=0 DNSv6StatusUnifiedCM3=0 VoiceVLAN=101 UnifiedCMIPAddress= LocalPort=0 TimeStamp=1429808483646 ReasonForOutOfService=24 LastProtocolEventSent=Sent:REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Cseq:101 REGISTER CallId:b07d47d1-607b0002-560b785a-4d57d895@ LastProtocolEventReceived=

I don't know what fild I should fill to get UnifiedCMIPAddress ...