I'm looking to get CUPC working through a 3rd party CRM system (SuperOffice). It's only choices are "Modem" (Cisco TSP), "program started from command line" and "DDE". I can get it to work using Microsoft dialer and Cisco TSP, but it is just another thing that pops up on the screen along with your CUPC. I'd rather integrate it. If i select the CUPC app .exe (v1.2.3) using the program ran from command line option, the program pops up, but doesn't do anything else. there is an entry for Parameters in the CRM, which I guess are codes for "open dialerpad" etc.. does anyone know if CUPC uses these sort of paramaters/switches - and what they are?
I'm using CCM5.1 and Presence 6.0.2
Any help appreciated,