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Enterprise HCS Solution Question

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All , 


We are working in an enterprise company , that uses Orange Business Services for cloud services.

They manage all our UC CC needs, configure everything and monitoring everything.

They do not give us any permission to view or edit the Call Manager . The servers are obviously on HCS ..


Question is : In the situation above , the Call Manager that is assigned to us in the cloud by Orange - Is it only ours ?

Some say its a "shared" CM where the same CM is not only for our company but for few more companies.

I think that a CM cannot be "shared" and it is only ours - how can a CM be for more than one business ? Every business has his own route patterns , partitions, CSS .. etc.


They(Co-workers) keep saying it is a cloud based solution , therefore, our CM is shared and not designated only to us.


Please advice !


Thanks in advance.

6 Replies 6

The Provider does not want you to perform any changes in your CUCM as most of the changes are populated through CUCDM.


Hey and thanka for the reply. 

First, the question is if a CUCM can be used to support 2 different companies. 

Second, I want only a read-only access to our CUCM in order to see our patterns and such.. With read only you cannot do any change

Hey and thanka for the reply. 

First, the question is if a CUCM can be used to support 2 different companies. 

Second, I want only a read-only access to our CUCM in order to see our patterns and such.. With read only you cannot do any change

In HCS, UC clusters can be used for multiple tentants using the shaded architecture.

Also you can define different levels of access privileges to your clusters using CUCDM. Pls do note that you are not dealing with CUCM for any configurations instead you will be using CUCDM for this.

Hope this helps

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Hello Ratheesh and thanks for the reply .
The provider told us that we have our own clusters in the HCS .
I am not that familiar with CUCDM so what you are saying is pretty new to me ( I used to be a CUCM administrator and applying changes in CUCM directly )

So if the provider says we have our own clusters in the HCS , it means the CUCMs we have there are unique to us - correct ?
and if so - even through the CUCDM soultion you spoke about - Can we get a read-only access to our CUCM ?

Thanks in advance

Hi Kfirfrank,


There are different deployment models/system architecture for HCS which your SP can use to set up UC apps for your enterprise. If you look at  the System Architecture section under the HCS 11.5 SRND 

you will see that there is shared architecture where multiple customers can "share" an UC application like UCM and Unity connection, but then it is also possible to have stand alone clusters for each customer. 

If your company has already handed the management to SP, it is unlikely that you will be able to directly access to those clusters even if it is standalone as SP is likely to have SLA with your company to keep things running and they probably won't let anybody to have admin access anymore. 


You might want to discuss with your SP to see if they can help achieve what you want done.