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Error Messgae in Unity

Richard Venn
Level 1
Level 1

Had a look through the unity trobleshooting guide and was unable to find the following message.

Sorry that message is no longer avaliable

The is played to the user after pressing the message button and being told how many messages they have.

Has anybody seen this on version 4 unity?



3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

First, which version of 4.x? There are 4 major versions on that line and several service releases.

Second, do any errors appear in the application event log error when this happens? Is it happening for just one specific user or everyone?

Normally that message will come up when we fetch the inbox contents to get the counts and the like but when we go to actually get those messages they are gone. This can happen if you're on the phone and in the inbox on your desktop at the same time (QA likes to do this to test our resiliency). This can also happen with NDRs but it wouldn't sound like you describe - you would hear that when you access the actual message, not when you got to the top of your inbox.


The version is 4.0(3) with no service release.

There are no errors in the event log for this user

It is happening for one user only



well, the next thing to do would be to look at the inbox with a visual inbox like Outlook or DOHPropTest and see what message is causing the problem - I'm guessing the first message we're picking up in the stack has some sort of problem with it or another... but I would expect an error to show up in the application event log if the messaging stuff choked opening it.