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Extension Mobility with CME4.2

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,

I try configure the exension mobility on CME4.

I can't see any loging or service when I press "service" or "buttern".

Maybe I have mistake

Who can share configure about the extension mobility?

voice service pots


voice service voip

allow-connections h323 to h323

allow-connections h323 to sip

allow-connections sip to h323

allow-connections sip to sip

supplementary-service h450.12

no supplementary-service sip refer



registrar server expires max 3600 min 3600

no update-callerid


voice class codec 1

codec preference 1 g711ulaw


voice logout-profile 1

pin 9210

user csd password 9210

number 3001 type normal

number 3001 type silent-ring

number 3002 type beep-ring

number 3003 type feature-ring

number 3004 type monitor-ring

number 3005,3006 type overlay

number 3007,3008 type cw-overlay

speed-dial 1 3001 blf


voice translation-rule 1

rule 1 /7015/ /70177015/


voice translation-profile lab

translate calling 1

translate called 1


dial-peer voice 200 pots

destination-pattern 7017

port 0/1/0


dial-peer voice 201 pots

destination-pattern 7020


dial-peer voice 5000 pots

destination-pattern 5000

port 0/0/0


dial-peer voice 5001 pots

destination-pattern 5001

port 0/0/1






no auto-reg-ephone

fxo hook-flash

load 7920 cmterm_7920.4.0-03-00.bin

load 7970 SCCP70.8-2-2SR4S.loads

max-ephones 168

max-dn 336

ip source-address port 2000

calling-number initiator

service phone videoCapability 1

system message Steptech

time-zone 43

date-format dd-mm-yy

max-conferences 8 gain -6

call-forward pattern .T

call-forward system redirecting-expanded


web admin system name admin secret xxx



transfer-system full-consult dss

transfer-pattern 0.T

directory entry 1 3001 name Richard Liu

directory entry 2 3002 name PH7920

directory entry 3 3003 name PH7970

directory entry 4 7017 name trunk



ephone-dn 1

number 3001

label 3001

description Richard Liu

name Richard Liu



ephone-dn 2

number 3002

label 3002

description P7920

name Ph7920

translation-profile incoming lab

translation-profile outgoing lab



ephone-dn 3

number 3003

label 3003

description P7970

name Ph7970



ephone-dn 4

number 3004

label 3004

description Lucy Chen

name Lucy Chen



ephone-dn 5

number 3005

label PH7961G3005

description PH7961

name PH7961



ephone-dn 6

number 3006

label PH7941-3006

description P7941

name PH7941



ephone 1

device-security-mode none


mac-address 0011.D8F1.5A21

type CIPC

button 1:1




ephone 2

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0017.94CA.802C

type 7920

button 1:2




ephone 3

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0017.941D.C199

type 7970

logout-profile 1




ephone 4

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0012.F085.49E7

type CIPC

button 1:4




ephone 5

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0017.9592.DFCA

type 7961GE

button 1:5




ephone 6

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0017.9551.F442

type 7941GE

button 1:6


5 Replies 5

Anyway after correct configuration there is a weird behavior of some phones.

I got 7960 that works, 7940 working too, some other 7940 not at all, 7941 ok, 7970 not at all.

Very very weird.

All firmware are correctly updated though.

And regarding the initial configuration, don't forget to add the logout-profile to each ephone you want extension mobility working on.


Thanks a lot

My phone display "Host not found" when I press "service" button.

I want used the extension mobility and I only configure "logout-profile" , "enable phone for extension mobility" and "user profile".

I need to do other establishment for extension mobility.


You're getting host not found because you specified a Host name (such as the server name) under the EM IP phone services url rather than the ip address and you don't have DNS ip's handed out to the phones. Extension mobility is a toggle switch so you use the same service to log in and out and user the EM paramater to say whether or not users can log in multiple times.

To make this work (this is all speculation on your DNS stuff).

1. Change Phone service paramater to reflect IP address and not DNS of server.

2. Copy this service and call it EM logout or something of the like.

3. Create a phone template for 7940's and 7960's add the log out service to it.

4. Create desired EM profiles based upon the phone templates.

5. Apply (associate) EM profiles to respective users in the User configuration.

6. Enable extension mobility to desired login phones (can be done with BAT or individually).

7. Make logout profile the local phones profile.



Tks!I can't understand and could you explane command of step1.Here is my configure.

no ip domain lookup

ip name-server


multilink bundle-name authenticated


voice-card 0

no dspfarm



voice service pots



voice class codec 1

codec preference 1 g711ulaw


voice logout-profile 1

pin 1111

user logout3001 password 1111

number 3001 type normal

number 1001 type silent-ring

speed-dial 1 9 label Lobby


voice logout-profile 2

pin 1111

user logout3002 password 1111

number 3002,3003 type normal

number 1002 type silent-ring

speed-dial 1 9 label Lobby


voice user-profile 1

pin 12345

user user1 password 12345

number 3001 type normal

speed-dial 1 9 label Lobby


voice user-profile 2

pin 12345

user user2 password 12345

number 3002 type normal

speed-dial 1 9 label Lobby


ip http server

no ip http secure-server


tftp-server flash:cmterm_7920.4.0-03-00.bin

tftp-server flash:apps70.8-2-2ES6.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu70.8-2-2ES6.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-2-2ES6.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-2-2ES6.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-2-2ES6.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-2-2SR4S.loads

tftp-server flash:term70.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term71.default.loads

tftp-server flash:apps41.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu41.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm41sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp41.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar41sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:term41.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term61.default.loads

tftp-server flash:apps70.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu70.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S.loads

tftp-server flash:P00308000500.bin

tftp-server flash:P00308000500.loads

tftp-server flash:P00308000500.sb2

tftp-server flash:P00308000500.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S.loads






voice-port 0/0/0


voice-port 0/0/1


voice-port 0/1/0

cptone TW


voice-port 0/1/1


dial-peer voice 200 pots

destination-pattern 7017

port 0/1/0


dial-peer voice 201 pots

destination-pattern 7020


dial-peer voice 5000 pots

destination-pattern 5000

port 0/0/0


dial-peer voice 5001 pots

destination-pattern 5001

port 0/0/1



no auto-reg-ephone

fxo hook-flash

load 7920 cmterm_7920.4.0-03-00.bin

load 7970 SCCP70.8-2-2SR4S.loads

max-ephones 168

max-dn 336

ip source-address port 2000

calling-number initiator

service phone videoCapability 1

system message Steptech

time-zone 43

date-format dd-mm-yy

max-conferences 8 gain -6

call-forward pattern .T

call-forward system redirecting-expanded


web admin system name admin secret 5 $1$/yNx$N0O4AY5QQvYX447jr5Rvj0



transfer-system full-consult dss

transfer-pattern 0.T

directory entry 1 3001 name Richard Liu

directory entry 2 3002 name PH7920

directory entry 3 3003 name PH7970

directory entry 4 7017 name trunk



ephone-template 1

user-locale 1



ephone-dn 1

number 3001

label 3001

description Richard Liu

name Richard Liu



ephone-dn 2

number 3002

label 3002

description P7920

name Ph7920



ephone-dn 3

number 3003

label 3003

description P7970

name Ph7970



ephone-dn 4

number 3004

label 3004

description Lucy Chen

name Lucy Chen



ephone 1

device-security-mode none


mac-address 0011.D8F1.5A21

ephone-template 1

type CIPC

logout-profile 1


ephone 2

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0017.94CA.802C

type 7920

button 1:2




ephone 3

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0017.941D.C199

ephone-template 1

type 7970

logout-profile 2




ephone 4

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0012.F085.49E7

type CIPC

button 1:4
