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Moving Unity Subscribers GSM Broken

Level 1
Level 1

I'm attempting to move some subscribers between two unity servers. The servers are running 4.04sr1 and 4.21. they are in the same AD domain. we have 1 Dialing domain setup. I can leave messages on both servers.

when I attempt to use the GSM to move a subscriber from the 4.04 server to the 4.21 server it says the stream files directory is not shared properly. both servers have the directory shared, the share is set to full control for everyone. I went ahead and made the folder security have explict full control permissions to the folder and files. I can connect to the share on either server and do anythign I want to the files in the folder (delete/create/rename etc..)

is there something I missed, I opened a case with the TAC and they have only pointed me back to the help file.

6 Replies 6

Level 1
Level 1

Both the source and destination servers must have a "Stream Files" share. GSM checks to see if the "\\\Stream Files" share exists on the source server. On the destination server it attempts to create "\\\Stream Files\TESTWRITEACCESSFILE.TMP". From your description I can only think that possibly they are not shared as "Stream Files".

I can access both of the Stream Files folders shared as Stream Files on either server.

I went ahead and quit sharing the folder, and re-created the share.

Did recreating the shares solve the problem?

nope. I added an entry into both the hosts and LMHosts on both machines. that also does not appear to work.

I'm rebooting the 4.04 unity server tonight and we'll see if that helps. I've already booted the 4.21 server.

Does anyone know of another way to move subscribers?

I've got about 160 users to move from one unity server to another, and GSM is obviously not working for me.

Level 1
Level 1

Email me at smilliga at and I can work with you to get to the bottom of this problem. I can build a version with more diagnostics in this area to hopefully determine why this check is failing.