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Schedule reports for Unity Connection

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I got this question enough for the Connection Tools group that we pumped up the existing Python Scripting Host application to include a number of the existing reports as script options.  This allows for you to see where it’s pulling the data from the reports and message databases directly as well as fiddle with the options easily and expand the scripts to meet your needs.

Of interest: the Python Scripting Host can be scheduled to run scripts (i.e. reports) AND email you the output (as many files as you like zipped and attached) to yourself.  Very handy.  Lots of buzz around the tool and a number of sites using it for schedule and custom reporting options.

You can find the tool, its help, some samples and a lot of training videos showing how to use it on its home page here:

The new reports scripts are installed with the tool and are in the “Reports” folder under the default scripts output directory.


The Unity Connection Tools Team.

3 Replies 3

Level 3
Level 3

Hello Mr Lindborg,


just looking at creating about 500 call handlers , so this should be a transfer to extension , with a owner and after the announcement then just hang up . so will be different greetings and transfer extensions etc for each site. Looking into Python scripts to create this and the example script you have provided. Is there a line to point to a CSV for the fields i have mentioned above? What format should the CSV be ?


the PSH can handle that no problem - there is no special format for CSV - it's simple comma separated, quoted if the field contains a comma - pretty standard.  The built in library provides an easy way to read CSV files for you that you can see in use in several of the examples.  The column header in the text file serves as your column name when retrieving data in rows - like reading a database table.

Not sure what you're asking about which columns to include... my advice is to look at the Unity Connection Database Viewer tool which has all the details on tables/columns/stored procedures and such.  You'll want to look at the stored procedure to edit greetings (csp_greetingmodify) and transfer rule modify (csp_transferoptionmodify).  This handles which extensions are dialed and how and what greeting is played (or not). 

You need to edit the call handler top level data for the post greeting recording option (csp_callhandlermodify) - the "PostGreetingRecordingObjectId" to identify which post greeting recording you want to play and the "PlayPostGreetingRecording" option to set the option to play for all, external only or none.

Of course the post greeting recording has to be configured ahead of time and you fetch the one you want from the vw_PostGreetingRecording view (you fetch the ObjectId from there you want).

To set a call handler’s owner you need to create a policy (csp_policyCreate) that has the call handler ObjectID as the target, the user you want to be added as an owner (there can be more than one) and pass in the policy for “Greeting Administrator” – policies are static and you can pull the one you want from the vw_role view.

Level 3
Level 3

thanks will check this out.