Using the CUDLI tool to query the CUC dB and I am seeking the correct 'view' table that contains counters for example such as
1) Inbound Calls
2) Outbound MWI
3) Outbound Notification
I have been looking at the following tables using CUDLI
1) vw_mediaswitch
2) vw_mediaswitch_portsanswerbyvmsserver
3) vw_mediaswitch_portsmwibyvmsserver
4) vw_mediaswitch_portsnotificationbyvmsserver
5) vw_mediaswitch_portstrapsbyvmsserver
But these tables do not have column object that could be summarized to provide a daily use stats (e.g. for ports or mwi) that I am seeking. I also realize that Unity Connection does have embedded report...but I am not looking to duplicate the exact output...looking to create custom report deliverable.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...thx.