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vmware tools install CCP 12.5(1) and UCCX 12.5(1)

Level 9
Level 9

Hi guys,


This week I have this problem. The esxi show that need install vmware tools in the servers but I have check with tac how the steps:



+Take healthy backup of UCCX server

+Go to VM settings -> Install/Upgrade Vmtools

+Give “utils os secure permissive” on UCCX to decrease the security for easy installation

+Give “utils vmtools refresh” to start the vmtools installation . The server will reboot automatically after this.

+After server is up, check the Vmtools status if it shows Running Current

+Set the security back to original (utils os secure enforce)


vsphere version



admin:utils vmtools refresh


No VMware Tools install currently exists on the system.

This most likely means that a previous install was run, but the

system was not rebooted after the previous install finished.

Please restart the system using the CLI by running

"utils system restart" or from the GUI by clicking

Settings -> Version -> Restart from the OS Administration GUI.



admin:utils vmtools status

The vmtools installed on this server but it is not running currently.


Daniel Sobrinho
1 Reply 1

Instead of trying to install the vmtools from VMware I’d recommend you to switch to the open vmtools version that comes along with the server in CVOS as that would be automatically updated anytime you upgrade your system. How to do so is described in documentation.

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