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Why do I need CUMA to install the CUMC on my blackberry?

Hello all,

I run CCM 7.0.2, CUPS 7.0.3 and BES

I am trying to install and intergrate of CUPS with my BES server. Seems pretty clear but I don't understand why I need to have CUMA? The actual blackberry CUMC is in a .OAR format which is not compatible with my blackberry. The documentation stats I need to logon to the CUMA server and upload the file then download the .cod and .alx files for my blakcberry devices??? Is it only needed for this conversion ? Or is a CUMA server needed in order to have CUMC support on my blackberry's?

Can anyone shed some more light on this?



2 Replies 2

Level 5
Level 5

Hi Rob,

This is a very good question and one I have been hearing a lot more about!!

The primary purpose of integrating any handset with CUMA and using the client, CUMC, is to provide a means of accessing the Cisco UC Enterprise components from a Mobile device.  This includes:

  • Presence - between CUPC and other Enterprise endpts with CUMC
  • A means of placing calls via Communications Manager to hide your cell # and avoid toll charges
  • Direct access into the Cisco messaging platform with a visual list of msgs and playback control on the mobile phone
  • Direct access into your Collab meetings (such as MeetingPlace) as per your Exchange calendar
  • Corporate Directory access

Now some of these are already available via the Blackberry RIM side already, and therefore the power of a Blackberry device.  Voice messaging for instance is not though.

So where to go and what should you do??  Some of our customers are deploying both to have the RIM integration, but CUMC to reach the Cisco UC directly.  Others are using Blackberry only for now and do without some of the Cisco UC access.

For the "holes" in the RIM side, we are working with them to develop a tigher integration to allow Blackberry devices access to the Cisco features with RIM direct.  This is not due out for at least 9 months though, so you will need to decide which direction to go in the meantime and what features you want available as you are mobile.

If you decide to go with the CUMC, you will need to add CUMA.  The .OAR gets uploaded to it and then deployed out to the clients such as your Blackberry.  CUAM will then handle the Presence and UC Apps integration.

Hope this helps!!


Hi Scott,

I would like integrate Blackberry with CUMA. On CUMA, I am not sure where I can setup the link with BES.

Do I need create a cert and get virisign signed and get put cert to BES? Or BES can work with CUMA without cert.

At moment both CUMA and BES are behind ASA firewall.

Kind regards,
