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Delay in voicemail response

Michael Murray
Level 2
Level 2

UCM 8.5.1

Unity Connection 8.5.1

Here's the background. I have two CUC servers in a cluster. About a week ago we started noticing extremely slow voicemail response (upwards of 30 seconds). During this time the web page and SSH response from the servers was extremely slow. To the point I could not manage them and had to hard boot the primary CUC server. This fixed the problem for 5 days then the same problem came back. Except this time I could pull up the web page and SSH to the backup CUC server fine. I still had problems accessing the primary CUC server and again hard booted it. This time it did not come back online so I'm running on the backup now as primary. We're still exhibiting the same delay except it is not on all calls this time. Sometimes when I access voicemail it picks up right away and works fine. Other times I see the long delay. Could I be hitting ports from the UCM to the CUC that are down because of the primary server being powered off? I've been working with TAC and they suspected the IMAP process that was showing high CPU utilization but we turned that off and the issue is still here.

Here's some output from the backup CUC server that is online:

admin:show status

Host Name    : CUC-02

Date         : Wed Jan 15, 2014 07:24:45

Time Zone    : Eastern Standard Time (America/New_York)

Locale       : en_US.UTF-8

Product Ver  :

OS Ver       :

License MAC  : E41F137781F3


07:24:47 up 153 days, 13 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.58, 0.39, 0.24

CPU Idle:   97.50%  System:   00.50%    User:   01.50%

  IOWAIT:   00.50%     IRQ:   00.00%    Soft:   00.00%   Intr/sec: 1310.10

Memory Total:        2073260K

        Free:          25332K

        Used:        2047928K

      Cached:         556944K

      Shared:              0K

     Buffers:          10768K

                        Total            Free            Used

Disk/active         43264144K       34715168K        8109440K (19%)

Disk/inactive       43264176K       35239096K        7585544K (18%)

Disk/logging       150538756K      101784728K       41107092K (29%)

admin:show process load most-used cpu

top - 07:24:58 up 153 days, 14 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.49, 0.38, 0.23

Tasks: 193 total,   1 running, 179 sleeping,   0 stopped,  13 zombie

Cpu(s):  3.4% us,  1.9% sy,  0.2% ni, 94.1% id,  0.2% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si

Mem:   2073260k total,  2051256k used,    22004k free,    11044k buffers

Swap:  2048248k total,  1025052k used,  1023196k free,   558492k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM   TIME COMMAND                    

4898 ccmservi  16   0  24m  12m S  2.0  1.2  38,45 RisDC                      

12582 administ  25  10 1148  804 R  2.0  0.1   0:00 top                        

14191 root      16   0 9.8m 8468 S  2.0  0.5  27:43 CiscoSyslogSubA            

    1 root      16   0  704  644 S  0.0  0.0   0:11 init                       

    2 root      RT   0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:15 migration/0                

    3 root      34  19    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00 ksoftirqd/0                

    4 root      RT   0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:19 migration/1                

    5 root      34  19    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00 ksoftirqd/1                

    6 root       5 -10    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00 events/0                   

    7 root       5 -10    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00 events/1                   

admin:show process load most-used memory

top - 07:25:14 up 153 days, 14 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.38, 0.36, 0.23

Tasks: 193 total,   2 running, 178 sleeping,   0 stopped,  13 zombie

Cpu(s):  3.4% us,  1.9% sy,  0.2% ni, 94.1% id,  0.2% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si

Mem:   2073260k total,  2047776k used,    25484k free,    10256k buffers

Swap:  2048248k total,  1025036k used,  1023212k free,   555436k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM   TIME COMMAND                    

29989 tomcat    17   0 477m  14m S 35.3 23.6 229,09 tomcat                     

26999 informix   6 -10 157m 157m S  0.0  7.8 630:35 unityoninit                

4876 drf       16   0 102m 7860 S  0.0  5.1   0:52 CiscoDRFLocal              

4931 drf       16   0  98m  10m S  0.0  4.9   0:59 CiscoDRFMaster             

23831 informix  16   0  88m  87m S  0.0  4.4  21,53 cmoninit                   

27107 cumixer  -61   0  85m  20m S  2.0  4.2  26:22 CuMixer                    

  763 cusysage  17   0  65m  11m S  0.0  3.2  28:41 CuSysAgent                 

25117 cumta     18   0  58m  13m S  0.0  2.9   1:02 CuMta                      

5037 cusrm     15   0  55m  11m S  0.0  2.8  80:35 CuSrm                      

27151 cusmtpsv  19   0  54m  13m S  0.0  2.7   0:16 CuSmtpSvr                  

admin:show cuc dbserver disk page



Dbspace  Dbspace                 Size  Used  Free  Percent

Number   Name                    MB    MB    MB    Free

-------  ----------------------  ----  ----  ----  -------

1        rootdbs                 391   101   289   74

2        cuc_er_sbspace          2750  371   2379  86

3        cuc_er_dbspace          250   5     245   98

4        dir16                   700   174   526   75

5        phys                    600   600   0     0

6        rpt                     3500  520   2980  85

7        temp                    1000  0     1000  99

8        mbx16                   1000  30    970   97

9        temp2                   1000  0     1000  99

10       dyn                     1500  696   804   53

11       mbx                     250   25    225   89

12       sadmin                  100   3     97    96

13       dir                     4500  682   3818  84

14       log                     640   640   0     0

15       ciscounity_sbspacetemp  960   65    895   93

16       ciscounity_sbspace      20    1     18    92



               Size  Free 

Chunk  Offset  MB    MB    Path

-----  ------  ----  ----  ---------------------------------------------------

1      0       391   289   /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/root_dbspace

2      0       2750  2379  /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/cuc_er_sbspace

3      0       250   245   /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/cuc_er_dbspace

4      0       700   526   /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/dir16_dbs

5      0       600   0     /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/phys_dbs

6      0       3500  2980  /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/rpt_dbs

7      0       1000  1000  /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/temp_dbs

8      0       1000  970   /usr/local/cm/db/informix/data/mbx16_dbs

9      0       1000  1000  /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/temp2_dbs

10     0       1500  804   /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/dyn_dbs

11     0       250   225   /usr/local/cm/db/informix/data/mbx_dbs

12     0       100   97    /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/sadmin_dbs

13     0       4500  3818  /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/dir_dbs

14     0       640   0     /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/log_dbs

15     0       960   895   /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/ciscounity_sbspacetemp

16     0       20    18    /var/opt/cisco/connection/db/ciscounity_sbspace

admin:utils core active list

      Size         Date            Core File Name


138520 KB   2012-06-02 15:19:19   core.672.6.CuMta.1338664731

191488 KB   2012-06-02 15:19:23   core.715.6.CuNotifier.1338664732

339048 KB   2012-05-19 07:29:02   core.13398.11.cimserver.1337426941


1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1


I'm having a similar issue in my Unity Cluster as well. The first and second time, everything went back to normal after rebooting the Publisher. The third time I rebooted the Publisher, the services failed to start and we were not able to bring the Publisher up. Cisco found that the sadmin db was full which might have caused this issue, However there is no fix yet and the suggestion was to perform the dbOverwrite which is not preferable. Just wondering if you managed to find the solution of this problem?
