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Level 1
Level 1

We are creating a new service profile for Window 2019 on a B200 M5 blade using using UEFI and secure boot. We are using Microsoft Deployment toolkit and the associated ISO to deploy the operating system. 

When we boot the server it never mounts the ISO or any boot device for that matter. 



My question then is how do I get the server to mount the ISO?


In the boot policy we've also tried "Local CD/DVD".


This is a known working server , the drives have a copy of Windows 2016 on them that will be over written by the new deployment.





Priyanka L
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Mike,

Have you mounted the ISO in the KVM?


Launch KVM > Toggle over Virtual Media > Activate Virtual Devices > CD/DVD and select the .ISO 


Kindly note, a fresh installation of the OS will wipe out the old OS.


If you are looking for the old disks , which have the OS, kindly navigate to the Inventory > Storage > Disks / LUNS and check if they are physically detected.


If they are not being detected, please refer the below points.


If the boot order is that of embedded lun / M.2  SSDs disks(internal boot drives) are being used a re-seat of the drives will be suggested.


+ If the M.2 SSDs are being used as boot devices, a re-seat of the same will be suggested.


+ if it from the SAS RAID controller, please navigate to Storage and check if the RAID Card or the bootable RAID/disk is still visible or not 




Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for your response.


I have  the ISO mounted in the  KVM.

and I see disk in the inventory.

Priyanka L
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Mike,


Following up on this.


Were you able to install the OS ? What changes did you make to get it to work?

If you still facing issues, let me know and we can try out few other measures

Level 1
Level 1

@mikeforand were you ever able to resolve this? We are running into a similar issue with our new blade servers.

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