Hi @UCSChat ,
Oh boy. How long IS a piece of string?
For the Physical Side - unpacking boxes, racking equipment and basic cabling I can say it took me a pretty full day to rack 2xFabric Interconnects and 9xUCS C240 servers including cabling and assigning IP addresses to the Fabric Interconnects. In that case it was a HyperFlex install, so the actual configuration part was all pre-programmed in the HyperFlex installer - took about another day to get to the stage where the customer could load up VMs on the system.
But there are MANY variations of UCS: For example, you can have:
- B series Chassis with up to 8 blades in each
- C series 220 (1RU) or 240 (2RU0 servers
- S series storage chassis/servers
- X Series Chassis with up to 8 blades in each.
And the physical racking/cabling is just the start.
ATM I'm on a job where i've allocated 5 days to set up 2xUCS X-Series chassis (inc 16 servers) AFTER the racking and cabling is complete. That includes design documentation and As Built doco as well as creating all the Pools, Policies, Profiles and Templates needed to kick the system into submission. This one also has FIbre Channel connectivity which adds extra spice to the mix.
RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
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