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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Cisco has implemented an updated UCS Hardware and Software Compatibility website and API.  Also known as the Hardware Compatibility List, or HCL, users can verify compatibility of UCS Hardware with Firmware versions and OS drivers with all compatibility information maintained by a database back-end.

The Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite also now supports interactions with the HCL that include the following automation workflows:

  • Collecting system inventory for subsequent upload to the HCL
  • Querying HCL profiles stored in the back-end and invoking a compatibility check with a single Cmdlet
  • Modifying HCL profiles as needed with PowerShell to check compatibility of existing HW with new Firmware or OS versions (before actually performing an update).

For additional information on PowerShell scripts that interact with the HCL tool, please see GitHub - dsoper2/powertool-hcl: Example scripts to query systems and validate configurations with the HW Compatibility L…

The demo here gives a brief overview of the HCL and new CmdLets supported by the Cisco UCS PowerTool.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

What is the best approach to build a hardware profile of a standalone C-series? I'm using the IMC powertool "Get-ImcRackUnit" cmdlet and it might be missing some of the pcie adapters (I need to test further if this is an HCL or Powertool issue).

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Did you have any success exporting the profile to a portable JSON file?

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Never mind... I just realized you need to add the -depth switch to convert all of the various arrays of objects down the hierarchy. I used ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 and got what I needed.

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