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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

UCS Communities Login ID: robbeck

Twitter handle (optional): TechBeck03

Have you read the Official Rules of the Contest and do you accept the terms and conditions     Yes  [X ]    No  [   ]

Are you a Cisco employee                                                                                                                          Yes  [ X]    No  [   ]

Does the script run on an emulator -                                                                                                          Yes [ X ]    No  [   ]

          If yes which version? 2.2(x) for full compatibility

v2.5 Edit:  Added a new check for the Firmware Auto Sync Policy (credit to Marcello Turano)

v2.4 Edit:  Added support for Ucs PowerTool 2.x and fixed timestamp

v2.3 Edit:  Fixed FC uplink SAN performance data and added single psu support


                Script for polling multiple UCS Domains and creating an html report

  of the domain inventory, configuration, and overall health


  Powershell version 3.0 or higher

  Connection to the internet

  UCS PowerTool version 1.1.1 or higher


Video Link : 15145


  Before generating the report select option 1) from the root menu

  and connect to target UCS Domains.  Cache domain credentials after

  connecting to speed up future script executions.

  You must have an active internet connection to view the report as it

  streams some javascript and css files to build report

  Use the UsedCache, RunReport, Silent, and Email switch options to automate

  script execution (especially if scheduling script as a task)

  Ex: .\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1 -UseCached -RunReport -Silent -Email


The generated html report supports multiple domains worth of data.  Use the Domain

dropdown at the top of the page to switch between UCS Domains.  Some of the table

entries can be clicked for a more detailed view.  There are help icons with tooltips to

help explain the capabilities of each table.

Include your script here:

Level 1
Level 1

In line 78 I replaced '10/15/2015' with 'DATE_REPLACE' as you suggest, and it works great!  Thanks Mohan.

Level 4
Level 4

In addition to replacing the references, you should also ensure that you have deleted any previous versions of PowerTool you may have installed prior to installing PowerTool version 2.  The installation of version 2 does not remove previous versions.  It's not an issue with this script if you are explicitly loading the correct PowerTool module, but if you are working in an environment that might load both earlier version and version 2 modules (e.g. I load the modules in my PowerShell profile), it is possible that a cmdlet will be executed from the old module instead of the new module.  So it is best to get completely rid of any earlier versions.  Both installations also make modifications to the Windows PATH variable.  Early versions of the installation placed the module files in a 'non-standard' PowerShell location.  This was perfectly acceptable, but Microsoft is now recommending that modules be installed in the PowerShell module directory.  Version 2 made this change.  So the old version made significant changes to the PATH variable that are no longer needed, and uninstalling the older versions removes the changes it made to the PATH variable.

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks Timothy!

Bob Sinclair

President, <> Advanced Network Training Corp.

304 596-1557

<> Sign up to stay in touch!

‘The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed’

-William Gibson

Level 1
Level 1

Thankyou Rob!!!

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Sorry for the delayed response and thanks everyone for the community support.  i've attached updated versions that should work for any version of the powertool and fixed the timestamp issue (that was my mistake).

Please let me know if you still have issues.


Level 1
Level 1

Dear Rob,

Thankyou for your wonderful script, It saves my day on monitoring.

I want to know, Can we generate multiple ucs domain on a single healthchecks file? As you have given a dropdown for selection. But I am not able to generate for multiple domains?



Ravi Khanna

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I'll post an instructional video shortly.


Level 1
Level 1

Dear Rob,

Thanks for your pro-active and prompt Support.. It works like a charm. ☺ I Thankyou for you once again for your dedication on ucs healthcheck script.


Ravi Khanna

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Rob,

This is a very good idea for newbees… Thanks a ton ☺


Ravi Khanna

Level 1
Level 1

Dear Rob,

Request you to please help. Need more help as I send this file via email it shows blank in all column. Can you please help to fix it. Should I include any other file with it?

Please find attached screenshot for more information.


Ravi Khanna

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Did you create the emailed report with the offline version of the script?

Also, Please re-download the script if you grabbed it in the past 24 hours.  I had a mistake in my original 2.4 post that would cause the issue you are describing.


Level 1
Level 1

Dear Rob, Thankyou for your exceptional Help!! You have done a wonderful job by creating this script.. I would like an opputunity to say a big thankyou!!! With this script you have made our life easy. Also, with the video upload, it had helped me understand how to run the script with ease. Thanks a ton by replying to my mails and being active!! Last but not least i want to say "You Rock"

Level 1
Level 1

Dear Rob,

Sorry for late response. I have re-downloaded the files and have re-runed the script as you have instructed to do.. I get the output of the file very well. But once I attach the output file on email it shows blank columns. I have also tried to run the script with email string as you have instructed from PowerShell. But, I am having the same issue. If I send the file via email results gets blanks.

But if I open the same file from the folder where the files output comes. If again shows the result perfectly.

Is there any way? if we send email, the output of the files should remain as it is?

Should I include any other file which is required for that output?

Thankyou for your support!!!


Ravi Khanna

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Make sure you are using the version and not if you want to be able to view the html file without the offline dependency files.


Level 1
Level 1

Hi Rob,

Thankyou.. It works now!! Cheers ☺


Ravi Khanna

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