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Cisco Employee

UCS Communities Login ID: robbeck

Twitter handle (optional): TechBeck03

Have you read the Official Rules of the Contest and do you accept the terms and conditions     Yes  [X ]    No  [   ]

Are you a Cisco employee                                                                                                                          Yes  [ X]    No  [   ]

Does the script run on an emulator -                                                                                                          Yes [ X ]    No  [   ]

          If yes which version? 2.2(x) for full compatibility

v2.5 Edit:  Added a new check for the Firmware Auto Sync Policy (credit to Marcello Turano)

v2.4 Edit:  Added support for Ucs PowerTool 2.x and fixed timestamp

v2.3 Edit:  Fixed FC uplink SAN performance data and added single psu support


                Script for polling multiple UCS Domains and creating an html report

  of the domain inventory, configuration, and overall health


  Powershell version 3.0 or higher

  Connection to the internet

  UCS PowerTool version 1.1.1 or higher


Video Link : 15145


  Before generating the report select option 1) from the root menu

  and connect to target UCS Domains.  Cache domain credentials after

  connecting to speed up future script executions.

  You must have an active internet connection to view the report as it

  streams some javascript and css files to build report

  Use the UsedCache, RunReport, Silent, and Email switch options to automate

  script execution (especially if scheduling script as a task)

  Ex: .\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1 -UseCached -RunReport -Silent -Email


The generated html report supports multiple domains worth of data.  Use the Domain

dropdown at the top of the page to switch between UCS Domains.  Some of the table

entries can be clicked for a more detailed view.  There are help icons with tooltips to

help explain the capabilities of each table.

Include your script here:

Community Member

Great! dang quotes are a pain
Community Member


When trying to run script with cached credentials, below error gets poped-up. Earlier it was running fine, but from few days facing issue. Created new cache file but same issue.

ConvertTo-SecureString: The parameter value "admin" is not a valid encrypted string.

At D: \ UCS \ UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1: 153 char: 90

+ ... $ credData [1] | Convert to-Secure String)

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo: InvalidArgument: (:) [ConvertTo-SecureString], PSArgumentException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ImportSecureString_InvalidArgument, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ConvertToSecureStringCommand

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

Great Script! I was able to run this manually with no issues however, I need a little help in running this in windows task scheduler.



Add arhuments (optional):

-file "C:\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1" -UseCached -RunReport -Silent

When ran, powershell window opens then suddenly disappears.

I've already added below to the top of the script but no to avail.

Import-Module Cisco.IMC

Import-Module Cisco.Ucs.Core

Import-Module Cisco.UCS.DesiredStateConfiguration

Import-Module Cisco.UCSManager

Import-Module Cisco.UCS.Core

Hopefully, someone reply to my inquiry. Thanks in Advance.

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Level 1

I'm having a problem running v2.5 of script. I am using Windows 10 Pro 1803, PowerShell 5.1.17134.165, UCS PowerTool Suite, and UCS 2.2b7. I can connect to a UCS domain, enter my credentials, save them in cache. When I select #2 to Generate UCS Health Check Report, I eventually get this prompt:


Generating Report...

cmdlet Get-UcsEquipmentManufacturingDef at command pipeline position 1

Supply values for the following parameters:


What am I missing?

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Level 1

I'm having a problem running v2.5 of script. I am using Windows 10 Pro 1803, PowerShell 5.1.17134.165, UCS PowerTool Suite, and UCS 2.2b7. I can connect to a UCS domain, enter my credentials, save them in cache. When I select #2 to Generate UCS Health Check Report, I eventually get this prompt:

They added new cmdlet parameters in PowerTool You need to uninstall/downgrade to in order for this script to work. 

Level 1
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Perfect, that was it. Thanks for your help!

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Level 1



Great script. What type of user is required?

Is it enough with read only account?



Level 1
Level 1
Thanks for the Wonderful Script Robbeck. I was trying to create Schedule Task to run on daily basis. But the task was keep running for days and no result. I created a batch file with ".\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1 -UseCached -RunReport -Silent -Email" and create a task but it was successful but no output. When i run manually the command or the batch file it was successful. Is there any special instruction to ran it on Task Scheduler Waiting for your response. Thanks
Level 1
Level 1

@SathishNatesan wrote:

Thanks for the Wonderful Script Robbeck. I was trying to create Schedule Task to run on daily basis. But the task was keep running for days and no result. I created a batch file with ".\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1 -UseCached -RunReport -Silent -Email" and create a task but it was successful but no output. When i run manually the command or the batch file it was successful. Is there any special instruction to ran it on Task Scheduler Waiting for your response. Thanks

What account are you using to run the scheduled task? I believe it needs to be the same one you used to create the cached/encrypted credentials (not necessarily the one used to authenticate into UCSM).

Level 1
Level 1
Thanks John. I don't think so. Because the local UCSM admin account was used to cache the UCSM credentials. To run the Task Scheduler a Windows Local Account should be enough.
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You ever get this response? 
Using latest UCS Tools (2.4.1) and PS.

UCS Health.png



Level 1
Level 1

@saintflyer the answer is 5 replies above your post (also on page 6 of this thread). 

Level 1
Level 1


for correcting this bug,
I modify script :

Get-UcsEquipmentTpmCapProvider | Get-UcsEquipmentManufacturingDef
Get-UcsEquipmentTpmCapProvider | Get-UcsEquipmentPhysicalDef

Its working fine


Level 1
Level 1

just fyi everyone,


anywhere in the script a line has Get-UcsEquipmentManufacturingDef just change it to "Get-UcsEquipmentTpmCapProvider | Get-UcsEquipmentManufacturingDef ... ..."


for Get-UcsEquipmentPhysicalDef just change lines to "Get-UcsEquipmentTpmCapProvider | Get-UcsEquipmentPhysicalDef ... ..."

Level 1
Level 1

The link to the video does not work. Can anyone tell me how I can get the video?


Thank you for assistance.

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