We have seen a number of requests come in where customers were looking for help in configuring the following:
- C240M4
- option C, PID UCSC-PCI-1C-240M4), SATA boot drive connectors (2)
- LFF drives or SSDs in front facing hotplug drive bays, in JBOD mode
- UCSM integration with service profiles
- Booting to software Raid (MegaRaidSR) for the 2 internal SSD drives connected to PID UCSC-PCI-1C-240M4.
The context for this configuration frequently seems to be Hadoop and Ceph (Openstack)
While there are a lot of different options that could be used for configuring the storage, I wanted to specifically address how to configure a service profile for booting to the internal/embedded SSDs in a raid1
Requirements:UCSM 3.11e+, UCSM 2.27+
See screen shots below..
Editing the service profile.

Creating a Boot policy for the Embedded raid vol (LUN)

Confirming your PCH definition for the Storage Profile.

After the service profile is applied, your UCSM integrated C240M4 should be able to boot to a compatible MegaRaidSR OS (Windows, Linux) on the internal SSD raid1 LUN. VMware does not support the MegaRaidSR.
In Summary we have to do two things:
- PCH storage profile definition. This takes care of the raid1 provisioning of the 2 SSDs.
- Boot order that includes the 'embedded local lun'. This ensures option ROM for the MegaraidSR loads, and the LUN gets added to the boot order.
Eventually hope to get a more official comprehensive Techzone posting in regards to this.