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Member since ‎07-20-2011

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Can anyone point me to some good docs that outline the purpose of fabric, M and F cards?In paricular I need to know the relationship between M/F cards and how/why I would combine them in the 7K.EG, if I have X nunber of subnets hanging on Y number of...
Hi all,     I need to order some DLUs for a CUCM 7.1, all the docs I read are pointing me to CUWL and the CUWL page seems to contain just marketing matelrial.Can anyone poitn me to any docs that show how DLUs and CUWL are related and how CUWL works?T...
I'm looking into wIPS high availability, but can't find any info in the docs that indicates any HA support.Does the wIPS on MSE 3310 support a HA mode?Can anyone point me to the right docs?Any pointers would be appreciated.ThanksChris
I'm trying to find if the 3500 AP will contains an 802.1X supplicant, so the AP can be identified and authorized by an ACS when it is connected to a secure access switch.I can find plenty of info on WPA2 & 802.1X for the wireless clients, but I'm str...
Does anyone know if CallManager 4.1 has a baseline demo license, similar to the new versions?EG, on 7.1 we can do a handfull of sets and a couple of VOIP trunks without needing a license.We want to test some interop between a 7.1 and 4.1 system, in t...
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Member Since ‎07-20-2011 10:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-27-2018 12:18 AM
Posts 7