Hi,I have created a Wireless Device Policy Classification into a WLC with WLC configured to local profile, profile the nokia device (with windows-mobile) as a Windows-Workstations.How is possible?Regards.Mirko Severi.
Hi,I have two 4500x in VSS, in the first Cat4500x there is the WLC Primary and in the second Cat4500x there is the WLC-HA.Both WLC must be on the same etherchannel or can be in a different ethernchannel?Regards..Mirko Severi.
Hi.I have a WLC 5508 with its WLC HA in a redudancy mode.The systems works fine, but I have the necessity to upgrade from 7.3 to 7.5.Which is the corrects procedure?Regards.Mirko Severi.
Hi,I would like to axamine this question.Q. Can I use AP with spectrum expert?A. Yes. We can connect the machine with any CleanAir capable Ap and it does the same job as spectrum expert. Download the spectrum utility from Cisco.com on local machine a...
Hi, Scott.Thanks for your help.In this case, my device is Lumia 635 and its MAC is B8-4F-D5-D6-3F-3CIn the oui there isB8-4F-D5 (hex) Microsoft CorporationB84FD5 (base 16) Microsoft Corporation 1 Microsoft Way ...
Hi,I did some tests.With the same channel-group (scenario 2) the WLC-HA doesn't find the peer while with the different channel-group (scenario 1) the WLC-HA finds the peer correctly.Starting Redundancy: Starting Peer Search Timer of 120 secondsFound ...