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Member since ‎04-28-2020

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Hello, Cisco controller is associated with one Cisco Prime infrastructure but now controller need to be associated/moved to another different Cisco Prime.What need to be done from controller side to disassociate with old Cisco Prime to add in new ano...
Hello,We have to change stack switch number. Could you someone provide proper steps .**Current conf **sh run | in proviswitch 2 provision c9300-48pswitch 3 provision c9300-48pswitch 4 provision c9300-48pSwitch#   Role    Mac Address     Priority Vers...
I have seen OID for system memory (CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB) , ( I need OID value to monitor the switch platform processor memory utilization. SWITCH#sh processes memory platform sortedSystem memory: 7750428K total, 4744660...
Hello Team,We need to monitor L3/Routed interface of cisco switch. Can someone please help the right OID value .
Hello Team, Will ISSU support on DNAC Version tried to upgrade 9407R switches with ISSU its successful. But some switches not successful.I see some cisco documents stating that ISSU not supported on DNAC version
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Member Since ‎04-28-2020 03:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-04-2024 01:23 AM
Posts 35
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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