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Member since ‎04-03-2010

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Hi,I recently extended my SPA525G with 2 attendant consoles with LCD screen (SPA500DS). I have an issue with the LCD contrast. I hope anyone can help me with this.Our phones are provisioned using an XML file using the following settings:  <Attendant_...
I am unable to configure IPv6 on my SGE2000P. The switch has a link local address:console# show ipv6 interfaceInterface    IP addresses                           Type-----------  -------------------------------------  ------------VLAN 10      fe80::c...
Our Cisco SPA phones are connected to Asterisk, and employees logon to the PBX by entering a pin to a IVR system. After authenticated the system remembers that user Bob is at phone 1 for example. If Bob receives a call the system routes this call to ...
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Member Since ‎04-03-2010 04:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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