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Member since ‎07-09-2020

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how we can export Agents/Supervisor details from ARC server by running any SQL command or any other procedure? Need this to check number of license is being used.
Hello,Can someone tell me what features CUC servers Web portal offers to the end users? Any document which list all the features and tasks offered by unity web portal.
Hello,I am looking for an option where end users can directly access their holiday calendars in cisco unity self care portal and change the dates of public holidays every year. Is there any option in cisco unity connections to give such rights to end...
Hello ,  I am looking for some facility like a web portal or interface where customer can directly access the CUC configuration window and change his holiday dates . As its a regular practice where we need to modify the dates every year in holiday ca...
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Member Since ‎07-09-2020 04:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-09-2023 11:38 AM
Posts 6