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Member since ‎12-03-2009

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I enabled nbar protocol-discovery and set up a custom protocol for RDP.  When I run a sh ip nbar protocol-discovery, it shows both input & output data for RDP.  The thing I find strange is for input it has listed, Packet count: 8000, Byte count: 1479...
Here is what I would like to do.....We have an MPLS that connects our main office with our 7 branch offices.  We have 3Mb coming into the main office and 1.5 into all of the branch offices.  I would like to give rdp traffic the highest priority.  We ...
Here is what I want to do, please let me know if I can do it.I have 2 devices on 2 different networks behind our current firewall.  Our LAN is on 192.168.1.x and these 2 devices will be on A).192.168.10.x & B).192.168.20.x.  I would like to set up a ...
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Member Since ‎12-03-2009 07:03 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 9