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Level 3
Member since ‎09-19-2006

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Hello All,I have an ACS with AAA clients (routers) added as TACACS+ (Cisco IOS). And as such I am able to log on to the devices with my username and password which is stored locally on the ACS. However anyone from any group can log in. How can I rest...
Hello All,There are two ACS servers one sits on the inside of an ASA 5510 at the head office and the other sits on the inside of an ASA 5510 at the hot site. Those ASA 5510s were put in to replace two PIX 515Es and the claim is that since the ASAs we...
I have a site to site that was previously up and working but it is not now. An ASA is on the side I control and a PIX is on the other end. The weird thing is isakmp seems to be up but not ipsec, as belowASA5510# sh crypto isakmp saIKE Peer: x.x.x.xTy...
Hello All,I don't know enough about metro to know if this can work or not so I am seeking some advice. Let's say I have two sites that are connected via metro. Site A has a 2811 with a connection to the metro switch/cloud with a /30 subnet (10.10.20....
I have a client that has an ASA that has routes to remote locations that point to another firewall on the LAN. So the clients default to the ASA and then the ASA should route traffic for the remote locations to the other firewall.This creates the hai...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-19-2006 12:41 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-13-2021 08:30 AM
Posts 194
Total Helpful Votes Received 57