Claudio Battan
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Member since ‎02-17-2021

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I have already activated user profiling and I see the Device Type.Does anyone know if it is possible to block access to a certain WLAN based on device-type?I have a WLAN where only Smartphones (Android or iPhone) should be able to connect.Thanks
I have a problem with APs in a WiFi system with 9800-CL, version 17.9.4.a.In a branch, connected with IPSEC VPN, the APs (all C9115AX) are regularly joined to the controller, located in the headquarter.In recent days, the connection had problems and ...
Hi,I have this situation: Wireless Controller AIR-CT3504 with with some old AP and some new AP 9115The APs did joint to the controller, all clients are working except those with Windows-CE, which do not see any SSID Any ideas/suggestions?
CSR100v router,since I introduced the VRF, I have noticed that it is no longer able to renew the license:Rt-CSR#sh license statusSmart Licensing is ENABLED(...)Transport:Type: CallhomeRegistration:Status: REGISTEREDSmart Account: ************Virtual ...
The WLC is remote, virtual, (but not upgradable due to some old AP's still present)All the other branches work fine, but from this plant all the APs can't joinI just attach a couple of debugs, if someone more skilled than me can find out WH...
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Member Since ‎02-17-2021 01:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-24-2024 01:37 AM
Posts 21
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