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Member since ‎03-11-2021

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submit nat ptopen the packet tracer and configure a NAT statement to translate to statement on router 3.NAT has inside local, inside global and outside local, outside global Guys I need help
I have build the topology for this and for some reason the router ospf1on the left leg is not doing anythingI just need help on the left leg here is what I've done so farBuild the following network. (multi area OSPF, VLANs)5 Routers with serial ports...
Guys I need help configuring the eigrp I can't seem to get it working here's what Ive done so far....1) subnet appropriately2) Configure EIGRP3) Configure DHCP
Guys i need help configuring the eigrp configuration for some reason it just won't work but this is what i have done so far1) subnet appropriately2) Configure EIGRP3) Configure DHCP 
Guys I need help with this assignment and I'm new to this course 1) 2 2811 routers with serial interfaces2) 2 2960 switches3) 1 3560 multilayer switch (this is the routing device)4) 4 end devices (2 connected to each 2960 switch)5) 1 end device conne...
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Member Since ‎03-11-2021 07:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-25-2022 08:14 PM
Posts 12
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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