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Member since ‎12-19-2003

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All;I have some interesting output which I'm trying to wrap my head around while doing some troubleshooting to recover from lost network connectivity. I've included the snippet below of relevent output.All the reading I've done thus far indicates tha...
I did a quick search and couldn't find anything that might address this potential design option.Looking at the following setup;Two 831 Ethernet routers at the remote site, each connected to a different DSL/Cable provider (for redundancy). Each 831 is...
Does anyone know if there is a release out there that supports setting the BW statement on your router asymetrically?With all the asymetric DSL out there, I'm looking for a way to trigger alerting when I peg my upload without generating alerts on my ...
I don't suppose anyone knows if there is a command similar to "ip ospf name-lookup" for EIGRP that will translate my neighbor IP's into something legible?I will be connecting up to 70 remote sites, and was hoping to be able to make it a little easier...
Just looking for some confirmation for my brain on this one.Let's say you have a network running OSPF on one side, and EIGRP on the other. There are two points of redistribution (for redundancy, lets call them ASBR1 and ASBR2) performing mutual redis...
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Member Since ‎12-19-2003 03:47 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
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