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Member since ‎01-15-2010

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Inventory jobs run successfully, but when running Inventory Detailed Device report, finding information missing under Chassis Model Name. Doing a MIB walk I do find Model name information is available under Standard Entitiy-MIB for the problem device...
NERC CIP standards require us to disable unnecessary ports on routers. NMAP SCANs showing;1720/tcp open  H.323/Q.9312001/tcp open  dc4001/tcp open  unknown6001/tcp open  X11:19001/tcp open  tor-orport Can anyone point me or reply with commands to dis...
Does anyone have a working sample of an applet using  action msg $_syslog_msg in an EEM Applet, where the syslog message produced comes out in a single line?I'm running IOS 12.4(24)T5 on an 1841 using the applet shown below and it produces 2 lines of...
New to EEM.Looking to create a simple applet to rewrite certain SYSLOG messages with a Prefix Appended.When I attempt the applet(shown below), the applet;1) does run as expected 2) does write a syslog message3)  but it does not include the original s...
What is the proper syntax / commands for displaying the ARP table on N5K?Attempted various SH IP ARP parameters, but never finding anything in the ARP table except the Default Gateway's HSRP and associated physical IP Addresses.I do have numerous hos...
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Member Since ‎01-15-2010 04:21 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 26
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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