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Member since ‎10-14-2021

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  • 14 Posts
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Hi all,I need help on this current log that we are received.Basically we tried to create 2 Interfaces with a xx port-channel for VM migration purpose. also we tie this PO with vPC (not sure it is related to vPC or not).then suddenly we have this kind...
Hi all,I have question need to confirmation.We will do migration for vCenter from different to another vlan ie VLAN 130 to VLAN 1020.I advised my team we need a L3 switch or L3 interface to perform this migration which is we already have Nexus switch...
Hi all,I have a few questions for network configuration on Nexus 93108TC-48. currently we are hosting private cloud for our customers and recently I have been tasked to do network hardening. I still new in handling network devices on production, afra...
Hi all, I have a question regarding ASR1001. we have used the current 2x10G ports and planning to upgrade other ports to 10G port too.i have read datasheet ASR1001 and is it possible SPA slot to support ASR1000-ESP20? i just want to confirm that only...
Hi all, I have been requested to check the hardware status for ASA5545. unfortunately, I can't enter the commands below as the firewall has change to multiple context mode. I'm not familiar on this context mode, hope someone can guide me how to acces...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-14-2021 12:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-09-2023 12:50 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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